Hehe you answered on your profile. :tongue:
I don't want to ruin that for you, but that didn't make sense at all!
I'm not laughing at you, more at the situation!
The first word is actually rather scary associated with the Brust=Breast. Cause sargen sounds like einsargen which means to coffin! I don't even want to think about to coffin breasts! :eek:
I could only wildy guess what you mean! I think German grammar is very difficult for Americans and other non-Germans. (And even many Germans!)
So did you maybe mean "Suck my breast"? (WANT! flylicker) Then this would be (even though we don't really say that) Lutsch' meine Brüste / Saug' meine Brüste.
But I know you Americans use suck/kiss my ass a lot huh? We do that, too. It's "Leck' (Lecke) mich am Arsch!"