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  • Oh please. Look up. Use a telescope. Then maybe you could see "suck it" written on the sole of my shoe.
    And no, you still don't comprise enough of a threat to have "that's what your sister saw and did" added to this little rebuttal.
    Now kindly cease messaging me; when I saw I had a new message I thought it might be interesting rather than an obligation.
    So let me get this straight; you neg rep me with "u r a wanker" (what, is Prince back in fashion?) for saying that I don't get your hand fetish, but you boys go ahead and enjoy it".
    So I respond in kind and then you try to come across all intellectual acting as though I'm a bad person?!

    Seriously, what the flying fuck is wrong with you?
    What fucking planet are you on?
    You're a fucking idiot and no doubt a detriment to the human race. The fact that you should have been produced rather than a normal, functioning human being lends credibility to the claims of the Atheist's that God doesn't exist.
    You're an idiot unable to think logically and I seriously doubt you could outwit a slug. You couldn't beat me in an outright argument and so you tried to switch to reasonable debate even though you'd already shot yourself in the foot.

    You may have been lucky enough to have been born in place of superior specimens of the species such as myself but you can't be so lucky all the time; the forum holds a record of what you've done and frankly, it would be better if it didn't. Kindly leave the adult forum to the adults and fuck off and improve the species by committing suicide.

    At this point, having thoroughly rebuffed your standing statements and any future ones, were you a worthy opponent I would say something along the lines of "I'd spunk your sister in the face but frankly I don't consider her worthy.".
    Take solace in the fact that I didn't take pity on you; you're one step above retard. One small step. Fucker. :pathead:
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