You like Kim, but you also like the flat butt? LOL. That's one of the many things I don't like about Asian women. Plus, the eyes are a huge turnoff. They look so much different than other groups. There's certainly a beauty to Latin girls compared to Asian girls. I would say it goes, white blonde, white brunette, Latin, white redhead, Black, anything else, Asian, in that order. Stephanie Santiago is probably my second favorite out there, and she's got the large butt, almost like Kim's. She's gorgeous.
Eventually, people will wake up and see Kim for who she really is. Hopefully the media will lose influence. They influence much of this. All these stories that they create to make Kim look bad. The question, if Kim was anything like people claim, they wouldn't have to create these stories in the first place. I'm hopeful, when people accept reality TV, Kim will be more accepted as well.