All you would have to do is just put the smiley by the sig itself. It won't be in the sig. It won't look right and I don't take time to do gif sigs in the first place.
Is the season 300 games long? I played through a season of All Star Baseball 2003, with the regular MLB 162 games which took maybe 40-50 minutes per game on average. I think I simmed about 8 games, and almost the entire post-season.
732, thats a lotta baseball! If all my games had a clock in them maybe I could find something to compete with that. Maybe Smash Court Tennis 3 on PSP.
Do you play in your sleep :dunno:
Thats a long time :eek: The longest logged time I have is FFXII at about 135 hours. I might have played GTA San Andreas for longer in total though. Maybe FFVIII too since I played through that twice.
Yep still got my PS2. I havent played those games, but I wouldnt mind trying them. I dont always have much time for games lately, so I've been sticking to sports ones which you can play easily and quick. Usually RPG stuff takes a lot of time for me.
Yup I'm still figuring out the moves so I end up button mashing a bit. I got Everybody's Golf and Tennis demos too, they're good. All in Japanese though, so it can be hard to understand at first.