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  • Yeah seems like football rules, they are good though I think. Its perfectly set up for video games with choosing plays/calling audibles/create your own playbooks and all that kind of stuff. Not to mention its so popular already so it gets lots of attention.
    I first learned all the rules playing Madden 2002 :cool: It made watching real life games kind of boring though since you can't skip all the breaks :D
    Not so great if your fave sport is something else though :facepalm:
    It helps that its a major sport in the US, so it gets a bigger budget for a better game. Most of the non-US sports equivalents look cheap by comparison like Rugby(NFL) , or Cricket(Baseball). I think they are made by some smaller-scale British company :dunno: The versions since 2004 have been a waste of money.
    Are the new ones not as good then? Ice Hockey seems to translate well to video games compared to some other sports I think.
    I know EA get some criticism sometimes for not improving the regular series of games like NHL/NFL/NBA much from year to year.
    Not sure how much I played 2001 but it was the first PS2 game I had. Easy to rack up hours with 82 game seasons. I think I played shortened seasons so it wouldnt take so long :anonymous
    Try a 'bring your pets to practice' day and see if any are good :dunno:
    I couldnt help much, the only Ice Hockey experience I have is EA NHL 2001 on PS2 :o :D
    and yeah, almost Wednesday here :cool:
    Just finished summer school today, starting plant bio in a couple of weeks. No marine stuff :spump:
    Damn so How many posts did they rescind?? they just erased them? :confused: when did this happen, weren't you about to hit a Milestone earlier today?
    I'm watching the Grammy's right now and the performances were dope, esp. Lady Gaga and Muse!
    I'm all over the place lately:
    New Foo Fighters, New Dr. Dre Detox stuff, Motorhead, Lady Gaga's new song...
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