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  • hahah yeah, its like that out here in a lot of places, like their etiquette rules out here are sooo extreme, you can't 'stab'' your food like with your fork you know? You have to 'scoop' it and if your eat cut up fruit you can't bite it you have to stick the whole thing in your mouth and then chew. Just so many ridiculous rules lol

    BTW I just wanted you to know that I love reading your posts, they always put me in a good mood, you seriously always make me giggle :)
    hahah I'm soo into that lol

    No but what I mean is like, the whole royal family is pretty boyish lol I don't know that I could handle being so prim & proper all the time. I like my guys a little rough around the edges I guess
    Well maybe Prince Charles accent, but I don't think The Prince himself is actually all that cute... Too uhmmm pretty boy-ish for me? :o
    haha I think any accent besides American and Asian (there's nothing cute about not being able to understand a word they are saying lol) are super cute :)

    & Thanks, those aren't real glasses :o They belonged to a 'teacher' Halloween costume, but I like them so I wear them all the time and no one knows their fake unless they put them on lol
    The UK? :D So you have one of those super cute accents then? lol
    Korea isn't as bad as I had expected it to be when I first got here, but where we are living its very Americanized, we have like all the major fast food joints on our base and off the base is like tons and tons of clubs (like dance clubs and bars and stuff) most of the Koreans in this area speak some if not fluent english and I'm guessing that has to do with the fact that there has been a military base here for almost 30 years so they are just used to it.. But I have been further from the base on trips to go see some temples that are pretty famous in Korea and the locals out away from the bases can be very mean, at least the older ones can, they give you dirty looks and yell at you in Korean because they don't think we should be over here, but the younger ones are always nicer, I guess more go with the flowish. I like it somedays lol Hows it over there? :D
    Yep, im really in Korea lol my husband is in the Army and we are stationed out here for 3 years, Its one am right now.. Its okay like the heat isnt too too bad (however day was HORRIBLE) but its just when it is super hot the mosquitos get real bad. Where are you from?
    Hey me not on your first page anymore?! :(

    I have sucky a bit more I think huh?

    :blowjob: Mmmmmm....I fink you meeb a fower!

    Have a pleasant sunday evening bluey. :)
    Not much battling insomnia =X
    & Trying not to itch my million bug bites (worst part about Korea hands down!)
    Not much else though :)
    Meaning you had to picture me as being hotter :( :is 'mad now'

    or you had more going on as to what you were thinking, but didn't put it in the post?
    So blueballs, if you don't mind me asking.... is there something I can call you other then well...blueballs? :D
    :bowdown::bowdown:Muchisimas gracias for the rep, sir!!!:bowdown::bowdown:
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