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  • Thank you for the rep, Blue! Do they hand out shirts every 5 thousand? Or do you start getting thongs and the like after 15,000?
    BlueBalls! whats up my brother? Sorry for not giving timely thanks on the rep you gave on the Public Enemy vid. yeah, i'm a douche, but only cos my favourite drink is a Vinegar and water. so better late than never right? thanks doood!

    have a bitchin weekend you crazy bastard!

    i agree on both counts. i just loved the fourth series and you deserve the rep. :hatsoff::hatsoff:
    or great stupidity, in order to let a wanker brit rip off my movies.

    I suppose either is really the same thing.
    if you don't find it I'll give you my netflix password. I'm spreading the Kids in the Hall goodness. :thumbsup:
    They're a Canadian comedy crew. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of them. They're very quirky and pretty damn funny. Five seasons of shows, I think. I love it all.
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