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  • is it true that you can't drink in your country/religion?

    And Holly West is half Latina/half Caucasian.

    She actually responds to her messages here and on the other forums she goes to. I even go to do an interview with her for boobpedia: http://boobpedia.com/boobs/Holly_West
    It hasn't been uplaoded yet, but I plan on doing so soon.

    Did you see her scene in Who's Naylin Paylin?
    no no my friend Middle East is a place with a lot of countries like ( Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Egypt and so....)
    that's absolutely wrong they are living a normal life but not opened like yours
    the people who say that either hate Arabs or retarded
    holly west always been one of my favorite she has Arabs color
    i love her so much and i hope i can talk to her as a friend some time
    Ohh. I thought that the Middle East was just one big country (like America) with many states (like California, New York, Texas). I feel so stupid right now...

    Are women in your country living happy, normal lives? The way I hear it, they're being tortured and stuff...

    And what do you think of Holly West?
    i know most of western people think that we are black colored
    but we are not

    i saw a lot of movies that people think that Arabs and Indians are the same but that's wrong we are away different from them

    Indians are so tanned skin a bit like Latin or a bit more tanned
    Arabs not so tanned they look like that pic in my sig in skin color
    and i love it so much
    Dubai is not in Saudi Arabia
    Dubai is in United Arabian Emirates (U.A.E)
    and i live in Saudi Arabia not in UAE
    Yeah, they seem a bit pure. Living in North America, a lot of women and girls here are are fake and have lots of makeup. It's overkill mosts of the time.

    And I never knew that ethnic Arabs are brunettes. On TV here, they only show those tanned males with bushy black hair...

    So do you live in Dubai or something?
    yes, they are
    and that pic was taken in world cup 2006 in Germany and if you look at them you will see purity beauty according to me
    you can find any thing in the internet and actually i like the way the girls look like in USA or some countries in europ
    they look different in a good way
    i like naturally blonds girls in Saudi Arabia they are almost all brunettes naturally
    i have seen maybe 4 or 5 girls with natural blond hair here
    and i love naturally redheads but i haven't seen naturally redhead here in my whole life
    and i found them in porn like nikki rhodes
    i like all kind of girls but the most thing i love is honest, pure and natural
    Are those girls in the red and green outfits from your country?

    How did you find porn in a closed society like Saudi Arabia?

    Also, use periods in your sentences. It'll make it easier for me to understand.
    when i was talking about our girls i put porn in a side i am not saying that other girls treated bad but as i always saying i'm proud of every thing here even if other people saw it as not good

    we have crime statistics for :- having porno in the streets , trying to sell porno , doing some porno acts in streets

    but in the website they closed all porno sites put some people can open it without there known

    every body has a dark side and porno is my dark side no one knows that i have porno movies except for my close friends
    are there crime statistics for your country?

    and how do you reconcile your "treat them like jewels" mantra with porn?
    get caught for what?
    you made me a criminal hehehehehe

    any way that pic shows how i'm happy that our girls are treat very well i mean like jewels

    you know percentage of raping here is so low last time i heard about a girl raped was a year ago and the one before this was a year and a half ago and so .......

    but i hear about a rape case about two times a weak in other countries and i know i don't hear that much

    I'm only saying that i am proud of what i am that's all
    شكراً لزيارتك يا عماد ... وأتمنى أن أراك مرة ثانية
    وش رايك في صورة نوال الزغبي اللي حاطنها أنا ... تهيجني هالبنت
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