georges Aug 6, 2008 hi how are you doing? hope everything is going fine on your side. regards georges
minidog Aug 1, 2008 nope you are i asked you and you got me outta of a sticky situation,and plus i the SIG bonus ,thanks for the advice too
nope you are i asked you and you got me outta of a sticky situation,and plus i the SIG bonus ,thanks for the advice too
Apex Aug 1, 2008 thats funny you put it that way as I was just reading the Im looking for movies with girl, boy and DP with a male doll thread :rofl: is that guy on dope or what!
thats funny you put it that way as I was just reading the Im looking for movies with girl, boy and DP with a male doll thread :rofl: is that guy on dope or what!