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  • well i was sitting next to a tin of red paint and i couldn't think of anything so i used it.
    Thanx for the reps. I alwayz stick to my guns. no matter how controversial the topic. :D I call it like I see it and tell it like I feel it. :yesyes: :thumbsup: :hatsoff:
    Hey dude, do U have any Kascha movies? Would you send me your list and I'll send you mine. Love to have the ones I'm missing....
    Oh no. Not fighting on Valentines Day. Tough luck for her though right?

    I work midnights on the weekends, so I'm pretty much booked. But you know I'll be calling every single girl I know on Sunday, to see if she wants to have "our own" special Valentines Day ;)
    All the other times it wasnt because of the lack of jobs.. it was because of random shit like some connection fee, or a girlfriend running up the phone bill and not paying up when she lived here. This time it's the economy and there just isnt an answer. A few weeks ago I had 2 jobs and too much money. Now my hours are pathetic and that money is what's keeping me safe for awhile. That wasnt living paycheck-to-paycheck.. but.. a week away from destitituion, a month away.. it's all disturbing to see.
    Sorta shit. I'm staring at a financial disaster a few months away unless they return some hours to me at work. The only bills I can pay are rent and (barely) food. The phone and power bill are probably shut off after february or so. :shrug: But that gives me some time to look into other options.
    Sorry about that, you sent me a message stating that you owed me some rep, I was just asking why? I suppose it doesnt matter, I'm sure you can tell I'm a bit of a rep whore I just cant get enough ;)

    I'm not really, I just cant get people to stop giving them to me . . . :dunno:
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