Alyssa Rose
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  • I'm glad you can still...uhm..."lol". ;)

    I'm sorry to hear about your story. I don't even know what to say. :( I just hope for the best for you. You deserve nothing but the best. Love you sweetie. If there was anything I could do for you just tell me and I will help wherever I can. I know it is/won't be much, but please know I'll be always there for you.

    Big kisses.
    I just wanted to leave a note to support you in a difficult moment.
    Hope you and your brother can come home soon.
    (Insert hug smiley).
    No worries love, you'll be all right.
    Sorry to hear your news.... :( I'm not really sure what else there is to say. Words aren't going to fix your circumstances. You have my condolences though.
    I like your lips. Man if only you were single. I am surprised that your hubby doesn't kiss them often.
    hello, First off I like what you posted on the thread that I wrote. Can we be friends? Whats your gender?or is this your pic on your profile? Can I ask you some more questions?
    Okay I know you are that girl. :D

    Miss you like crazy! :shy:

    Hope you are well. Have a great weekend, sweetie! :kiss: :lovecoupl
    HISSY! Congrats on your Moderatorship, belated, but heartfelt! I love the profile pic too, tongue and all!
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