You might have to change hosting sites to get your sig back up. Apparently is being a bitch lately and not showing things, perhaps nude sigs, I don't know. Either way, I will provide the site, when you get on and all that sort.
You're getting Grade-A ~~Whimsy~~ quality sig here! My ~~ backs up me quality!
$9.99 starting or I break your fingers for wasting me time in gathering material for a sig you led me on with! Now! Are we clear???
In the meantime, you think over how you plan on getting me money to me, eh!? I'm going to start on your sig now that I have the photos, your color/text details, and all that. :hatsoff:
One. The cat is mine! Two. My quotes is what I typed in under me signature! Now. I take it by this Princess and your ass-kissing photos towards her all throughout your profile page. You are referring to Princess Blueyez?
Did you really want me to make you a sig? I make them according to what the individual wants for the most part. Being whichever model or whatever theme. I make them to the person I'm making them for to their satisfaction