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  • I now think of ShayD when I see the guy with the baseball hat on. He looks cool. I like them all, really; great show.

    Also, once you find out that Harvey is gay, a lot of the inside jokes make a lot of sense.
    The one with the glasses and usually any time she talks it is her saying something contrary to the others? I like that short blonde hair girl. The show is just awesome. I record it every Sunday on CW lol
    I did. What's next? You going to start tapping your foot in a public bathroom stall??? o_O

    I like cats and bright colors; you, on the other hand, just said you want to watch two guys wrestle each other, and the added detail of: make it hot. ;)

    Wow.... that post came off really, really gay lol

    I want to watch some guy beat another guy's ass..... make it hot

    Bah! You don't have the balls to do any thing except type sissy threats.

    Why don't you go take a grease bath and Jersey Shore it up and you will get your sig, if you're nice, tonight.
    Something is up with the site. So they might be down for a bit. If not, thanks for the heads up, I'll get to work on my sig ASAP... of course, this means your sig I am currently working on for you will have to be put on hold :thefinger
    Open up bitch!!!! I got your fucking corn on the cob!

    Yeah you better walk away, bitch! I will get to your sig tonight, if I damn well want to! In the mean time... slob on my knob!
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