@ gladyator89

You started a thread with a topic which itself has merit for discussion and dialog. However the degradation of your own approach to the topic leaves very little for others to subjectively contribute, given your extensive inept responses throughout. You really wasted a potentially interesting dialog with your approach to the whole subject and how you have chosen to respond to others with little to no substance for proper dialog. Given your now just making mindless spam responses to others that provide no merit to the topic, your just continuing to ruin your own thread. I understand the language barrier may pose a trivial amount of miscommunication for yourself, but your responses demonstrate that even that has not been the failure here, but rather your approach to the topic and others. Either step back and take time to actually think before posting, or just stop responding all tougher, your approach and posts are pointless at this point regarding this topic.
-It is normal that the pornstar have kids.

-Has anyone of them claimed that their parents profession has disrupted their lives?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Everyone has freedom of speech here.

No, they do not. It's exactly what I said it was. If you don't believe me, PM Roald or Petra and ask them what this is.

Of course you know what I try to say. If you hadn't got me, you wouldn't have written too much. You try to find a weak point when you discuss. This is a pathetic behave.

P.S: If you were really sincere, you could have corrected my mistakes by sending me p.m. You are malicious!

Stop whining and sniveling about me being mean to you. That's annoying. Man up!

In the post I quoted, no, I had no idea what you were attempting to say - not that it matters... I'm sure that it was nothing earth shattering.

Enough with this! Look, you put forth the opinion that women who are porn stars are not or cannot be fit mothers. And I said that you were full of shit. So if you want to make your point valid and prove me wrong, use numbers. Numbers know no language. Post some valid data or scientific study which proves that women who are porn stars are not or cannot be fit mothers. Very simple. Find it. Post it. Enough with your gibberish. Just be done with it.

And if you can't do it, you are just another example of this old saying: opinions are like assholes... everybody's got one (or in your case, is one).



I did not post this sentence. Liar!

Originally Posted by gladyator89
I'm pathetic.

This is not my words which was written above. You are liar! You change the words in my sentence.

-It is normal that the pornstar have kids.

-Has anyone of them claimed that their parents profession has disrupted their lives?

We'll never know. There is no pornstar's child here.

No, they do not. It's exactly what I said it was. If you don't believe me, PM Roald or Petra and ask them what this is.

Stop whining and sniveling about me being mean to you. That's annoying. Man up!

In the post I quoted, no, I had no idea what you were attempting to say - not that it matters... I'm sure that it was nothing earth shattering.

Enough with this! Look, you put forth the opinion that women who are porn stars are not or cannot be fit mothers. And I said that you were full of shit. So if you want to make your point valid and prove me wrong, use numbers. Numbers know no language. Post some valid data or scientific study which proves that women who are porn stars are not or cannot be fit mothers. Very simple. Find it. Post it. Enough with your gibberish. Just be done with it.

And if you can't do it, you are just another example of this old saying: opinions are like assholes... everybody's got one (or in your case, is one).

Did you lost your mind? Really?:brick: How can does this issue have statistical datas?
This is a subjective issue that we discuss. :facepalm: If you belive in something which has numbers, you prove that pornstars can be great parents by sending me statistical datas!
Probably they even don't know who their kid's father is. What a mom! What a shame for these children! Do you want to see your mother as a pornstar?
If you don't want, why do you want it for the other's children? :crybaby:

@ gladyator89

You started a thread with a topic which itself has merit for discussion and dialog. However the degradation of your own approach to the topic leaves very little for others to subjectively contribute, given your extensive inept responses throughout. You really wasted a potentially interesting dialog with your approach to the whole subject and how you have chosen to respond to others with little to no substance for proper dialog. Given your now just making mindless spam responses to others that provide no merit to the topic, your just continuing to ruin your own thread. I understand the language barrier may pose a trivial amount of miscommunication for yourself, but your responses demonstrate that even that has not been the failure here, but rather your approach to the topic and others. Either step back and take time to actually think before posting, or just stop responding all tougher, your approach and posts are pointless at this point regarding this topic.

I prefer to response all the posts one by one.

By the way, I got some messages who thinks like me and saying this topis is useful. I thank you all!

I think, everyone should ask this question to himself/herself firstly?

-Do I want to see my mom or dad as a pornstar?
-If I don't want, why am I want it for the others?
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I prefer to response all the posts one by one.

Ok then answer this. You yourself made these posts;

who is this blonde school girl

who is this perfect beauty?
http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?668364-who-is-this-perfect-beauty "gladyator89 - I already downloaded it"

who is this bukkake girl?

Each of these examples of girls/women will probably be a mother sometime in their life. Given this fact why do you choose to seek them out for your own sexual amusement knowing they will probably someday be a mother and disgrace them by doing so as well as disgrace their future children. Why do you choose to disgrace these women who will potentially be mothers, and could potentially choose to continue their career when/while pregnant in the future. Aren't you honestly then helping to disgrace these women by participating yourself and looking at them?

!! --> Oh and before you respond remember I have been subjective to your topic, for example:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'm beginning to suspect that Gladyator's childhood was scarred by his mum bringing home a different guy every Friday and saturday night.

"Don't worry kid - I aint hurting ya mum.
Well I am, but she likes it." :dunno:
Judging fitness for parenthood based on subjective morality? Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

Smoking is generally considered to be learned behavior. Second hand smoke can harm children. So... should smokers not have children?

What about gun owners? Some people find the idea of private citizens owning firearms to be morally objectionable, and sometimes accidents happen. Do gun owners get to have kids, or is that out of the question?

What if someone drinks on occasion? Alcohol can impair judgment and posses potential health risks, and some studies have show that there is a hereditary element to addiction. So... you can't have a kid if you enjoy a glass of wine with your dinner? Or should we just bring back prohibition (you know, because of how well it worked the first time).

Who gets to play the moral authority and decide which among us is worthy to breed? The Right? The Left? The Church (of Scientology)?


Ok then answer this. You yourself made these posts;

who is this blonde school girl

who is this perfect beauty?
http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?668364-who-is-this-perfect-beauty "gladyator89 - I already downloaded it"

who is this bukkake girl?

Each of these examples of girls/women will probably be a mother sometime in their life. Given this fact why do you choose to seek them out for your own sexual amusement knowing they will probably someday be a mother and disgrace them by doing so as well as disgrace their future children. Why do you choose to disgrace these women who will potentially be mothers, and could potentially choose to continue their career when/while pregnant in the future. Aren't you honestly then helping to disgrace these women by participating yourself and looking at them?

!! --> Oh and before you respond remember I have been subjective to your topic, for example:

I said it many times: I don't judge pornstars! I watch porn. I don't watch pregnant porn. I am against the pornstars who has child/children as well.
There is no useful point when you say "potential mom"
According to your view point, everyone can be criminal one day. So we musn't be friends with them.
We are not talking "potentials" here. Come back to reality.
Searching my background doesn't prove anything.

I'm beginning to suspect that Gladyator's childhood was scarred by his mum bringing home a different guy every friday and saturday night.

"Don't worry kid - I aint hurting ya mum.
Well I am, but she likes it." :dunno:

Don't try to be funny.

So would you consider this pic to be bad?

Do you think it is a porn?
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I said it many times: I don't judge pornstars! I watch porn. I don't watch pregnant porn. I am against the pornstars who has child/children as well..

You don't judge them, you just look down on them and think they should be denied basic human rights, respect and dignity like they're animals or Scientologists.

Hey gladyator, have you met my good friend Logic? Logic, have you met gladyator? Maybe you two should take some time and get acquainted...


OP.... Ugh. :facepalm::brick:

Probably the most ignorant person on the face of the planet. You can't fix stupid.

Like Sabrina, I'm out. There is no sense in arguing with someone who knows nothing of logic.

I agree with you. There is no sense in arguing with you.

Thank you for joining us Miss Pornworker.


Was King of the Board for a Day
And you've made it clear that there's no point in arguing with you. You're against pregnant porn and mothers who are in porn, and no one else seems to have a problem with it. You won't convince anyone here to agree with you, and I can't see it happening that you'll agree with us. Be content that you feel you're right and drop the subject.


You don't judge them, you just look down on them and think they should be denied basic human rights, respect and dignity like they're animals or Scientologists.

Hey gladyator, have you met my good friend Logic? Logic, have you met gladyator? Maybe you two should take some time and get acquainted...

You can be against something. That does not mean that you have rights to judge. There is no illogical point here.
For example, I don't want you to write on this topic but I don't judge you when you write here.
Did you understand?

I'll side with you on the pregnant porn thing. Not my thing. That would disturb me as a child. If it was mommy with daddy, that could be explained and ease my mind.

Apollo did you read it?

what do they tell their kids?

did you read it?

I can't imagine being a father and my kid comes home crying saying kids were tormenting him about seeing or hearing about his mother with 3 cocks in her mouth. Who would I be angry with? I should be mad at me and my choice of who would be my child's mother. Can't be overly mad at the other kids for reporting the news. The internet is forever and my child's mother's ass will always be exposed.

You didn't read, did you?
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You can be against something. That does not mean that you have rights to judge. There is no illogical point here.
For example, I don't want you to write on this topic but I don't judge you when you write here.
Did you understand?

Actually THAT is judgment. You are JUDGING my input and devaluing it. I realize English may not be your first language, but this is pretty basic. Similarly you are devaluing people by suggesting that they shouldn't be treated like, uh, human freaking beings.

Thank you for joining us Miss Pornworker.

Wow, regardless of what your first language is I'd at least expect you to be able to spell "Spencer" correctly. I mean, it's right there in her username. Or is that, like, a title you're bestowing upon her like Miss America? You must really love her work. Will you be mailing her a tiara to celebrate her win? I'm sure she'd appreciate that. Hey, maybe we'll even get an acceptance speech where she thanks all of the little people responsible for getting her this far! (keep in mind by "little people" I'm referring to their importance, and not suggesting she should thank children, as I doubt you believe she should associate with them)


And you've made it clear that there's no point in arguing with you. You're against pregnant porn and mothers who are in porn, and no one else seems to have a problem with it. You won't convince anyone here to agree with you, and I can't see it happening that you'll agree with us. Be content that you feel you're right and drop the subject.

Do you still think the same after read all these messages? Plus I've got private messages. But of course I can't write them here cause I respect their owners.

Actually THAT is judgment. You are JUDGING my input and devaluing it. I realize English may not be your first language, but this is pretty basic. Similarly you are devaluing people by suggesting that they shouldn't be treated like, uh, human freaking beings.

Wow, regardless of what your first language is I'd at least expect you to be able to spell "Spencer" correctly. I mean, it's right there in her username. Or is that, like, a title you're bestowing upon her like Miss America? You must really love her work. Will you be mailing her a tiara to celebrate her win? I'm sure she'd appreciate that. Hey, maybe we'll even get an acceptance speech where she thanks all of the little people responsible for getting her this far! (keep in mind by "little people" I'm referring to their importance, and not suggesting she should thank children, as I doubt you believe she should associate with them)

This is between Spencer and me. Don't try to teach me anything!
You got your reply and now do you want me to write for the other's posts? No, don't be a lawyer of somebody. Be yourself.
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Was King of the Board for a Day
Apollo did you read it?

Yes gladyator, I did read it. I also read the parts you cut out, mainly this:

But the conversation that was started here was about children of porn actors in general. Let's say that an actress never has a child. She still has younger brothers and sisters and cousins and nieces and nephews. It's the same risk of turning up. Give moms a little more credit when it comes to raising a child. Also give kids a little more credit when it comes to understanding and resiliency.

I also see that bob has, for the most part, said his piece and left.

I do not judge porn, threesome or bukkake? Do you hear me? I judge the people who become pregnant and get fucked by others when their babies inside them. This is a shame!
Probably you don't have a kid, do you? Tell me about your family problems which you experienced at your past by sending me p.m. ok?

It's impossible that I fall in love with a pornstar because I'm in love with a girl for a long time. Anyway, let's accept it. If I love her too much, I tell her to quit porn. Many pornstars do this when they become pregnant. Some of the them even don't know their baby's father. But some of them still continue their life and job without thinking their children. Some of disgusting pornstars do this when their babies are inside them. This can't be humanist. This can't be right. You don't have right to do this to own your children! This is humanity crime like child abuse or child porn!

Did you lost your mind? Really?:brick: How can does this issue have statistical datas?
This is a subjective issue that we discuss. :facepalm: If you belive in something which has numbers, you prove that pornstars can be great parents by sending me statistical datas!
Probably they even don't know who their kid's father is. What a mom! What a shame for these children! Do you want to see your mother as a pornstar?
If you don't want, why do you want it for the other's children? :crybaby:

I said it many times: I don't judge pornstars! I watch porn. I don't watch pregnant porn. I am against the pornstars who has child/children as well.
There is no useful point when you say "potential mom"

According to your view point, everyone can be criminal one day. So we musn't be friends with them.
We are not talking "potentials" here. Come back to reality.
Searching my background doesn't prove anything.

So you say you don't judge pornstars, even though you say so in the first post I quoted. And, even if you don't "judge" them, you degrade them, saying they're disgusting, that they probably don't even know how the father of their baby is, etc. You have no right to judge or degrade anybody, even if you don't approve of what they do, but that's exactly what you've been doing.

Again, you've said your piece, almost no one agrees with or has stuck up for you, and though some people have, they've managed to do it in a way that doesn't inflame the people reading it. We know your opinion, you know ours, now let the topic die, once and for all.
This is between Spencer and me. Don't try to teach me anything!
You got your reply and now do you want me to write for the other's posts? No, don't be a lawyer of somebody. Be yourself.

So I shouldn't express my concerns with stuff that doesn't involve me directly?

So, are you a pregnant porn star, the child of a porn star, or a hypocrite? Just curious...


Yes gladyator, I did read it. I also read the parts you cut out, mainly this:

I also see that bob has, for the most part, said his piece and left.

So you say you don't judge pornstars, even though you say so in the first post I quoted. And, even if you don't "judge" them, you degrade them, saying they're disgusting, that they probably don't even know how the father of their baby is, etc. You have no right to judge or degrade anybody, even if you don't approve of what they do, but that's exactly what you've been doing.

Again, you've said your piece, almost no one agrees with or has stuck up for you, and though some people have, they've managed to do it in a way that doesn't inflame the people reading it. We know your opinion, you know ours, now let the topic die, once and for all.

I don't degrade them. They degrade themselves. Do you want to see your mom as a pornstar? Generally they experience unplanned pregnancy so that they don't know who their father is. that's correct. First you said, you won't convince anyone and then I sent you the people's posts who think me. Now you say: almost no one(!)
Respect people's thought. If you don't want to continue, then go off the topic.
I don't have intention to topic die. If you don't like, you can go.
There are millions of topic are waiting for you.
Bye bye.


Was King of the Board for a Day
I don't degrade them. They degrade themselves. Do you want to see your mom as a pornstar? Generally they experience unplanned pregnancy so that they don't know who their father is. that's correct. First you said, you won't convince anyone and then I sent you the people's posts who think me. Now you say: almost no one(!)
Respect people's thought. If you don't want to continue, then go off the topic.
I don't have intention to topic die. If you don't like, you can go.
There are millions of topic are waiting for you.
Bye bye.

You showed me one person who agreed with you to a point, but nowhere near the level of fanaticism that you have reached. Aside from that, all I have is your word that more people have agreed with you and sent you PMs, so excuse me if I'm skeptical.

You say "generally they experience unplanned pregnancy", what exactly are you basing that on? You said a page ago "Did you lost your mind? Really?:brick: How can does this issue have statistical datas?
This is a subjective issue that we discuss. :facepalm: If you belive in something which has numbers, you prove that pornstars can be great parents by sending me statistical datas!" What you've said is subjective as well, but if you're so sure about it you should be able to back it up. Show me statistical data that shows pornstars experience any more unplanned pregnancies than the rest of the country, or even one case where one actress said "Yeah, I got fucked, got pregnant, and I don't know who done it!"

You don't call what you've said about them degrading? I think even people that agree with you about how it may be wrong for a pornstar to have a kid or have sex on camera while pregnant may disagree with you about that. Calling them disgusting? How do you justify that?