Cant get someone out of your head?

I've been having a problem lately, I started a new job pretty recently and I cant stop thinking about one of my co-workers. We work a lot together as part of the job, I probably spend at least half the day with her. She is extremely attractive, one of the hottest females I know. A day doesn't go by where I am with her that she isn't getting hit on by someone or someone is starring her down. Her and I are the same age and have become real good friends too. I cannot stop thinking about her.

There is one problem, she is recently married (got back from her honeymoon right before I started working)....:brick:

Im too good friends with her to try anything, and I know nothing is going to come of this so I am trying to get the feelings I have for her to go away because I really cant stop thinking about her.

Anyone have a similar problem before, cant stop thinking about someone they know they can't be with? How have you gotten over it in the past? Im open to any suggestions or similar stories on how you got over it.
You need to accept that nothing is going to happen. You say you have, but you haven't. She's in your head because you think there is hope for you two to be together. You won't.
There really is only one solution to your problem. Plant some incriminating evidence on her and get her fired. Maybe if you really want her out of your life, slip a decent amount of crack into her purse and then call the police informing them that you saw her selling it to schoolchildren.

Petra, I want to see her cam sessions.

I've seen them. All she really does is sit there and cry. Sure you'll get off, but is it worth it?

Yes. Obviously.


I plead the 5th...
There really is only one solution to your problem. Plant some incriminating evidence on her and get her fired. Maybe if you really want her out of your life, slip a decent amount of crack into her purse and then call the police informing them that you saw her selling it to schoolchildren.

I've seen them. All she really does is sit there and cry. Sure you'll get off, but is it worth it?

Yes. Obviously.

Tears of joy?


Closed Account
There really is only one solution to your problem. Plant some incriminating evidence on her and get her fired. Maybe if you really want her out of your life, slip a decent amount of crack into her purse and then call the police informing them that you saw her selling it to schoolchildren.

Set up a hidden camera in a depleted motel room, hire a trannsexual prostitute to entice her husband into sex there, e-mail the video to her, she'll get a divorce, bam! she's all yours.
You need to accept that nothing is going to happen. You say you have, but you haven't. She's in your head because you think there is hope for you two to be together. You won't.

this. just chill and be her friendly co-worker.
I think finding another woman who interests you just as much (if not more) is the easiest way to get this off of your mind. I know that isn't easy, but it's the only way I can think of that doesn't require a lot of time and mental effort.


knows petras secret: she farted.
ive had the same girl in my head for...lets see.. about 9 years or so. ive always been crazy about her, and assume i always will.

even dated her a bunch, and she's still my best friend. im also with another girl and have been for about 8 years or something.

sometimes you can just get it bad. doesnt really bother me though. she's a gorgeous and awesome girl and ill always love her. friends or whatever.


knows petras secret: she farted.
There is no getting her out of your head. The best you can do is learn to live with it and be greatful that she is in your life.

thats how i play it. i may not be with her anymore, and im sure as hell not happy with the girl i have now, and i would trade her for the world, but im happy the other is my bff. shes in my life, we did our thing, and thats that.
thats how i play it. i may not be with her anymore, and im sure as hell not happy with the girl i have now, and i would trade her for the world, but im happy the other is my bff. shes in my life, we did our thing, and thats that.

i wish more people could move on and be adult about relationship changes like that.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i wish more people could move on and be adult about relationship changes like that.

oh, ive had my share of freaking out and being devastated about breakups and stuff too. ive learned that doesnt really help. but that girl was really really special. we work out better as friends anyway. i do miss her. i moved out of state and shes the one thing i miss about california. well her and the great fishing.
oh, ive had my share of freaking out and being devastated about breakups and stuff too. ive learned that doesnt really help. but that girl was really really special. we work out better as friends anyway. i do miss her. i moved out of state and shes the one thing i miss about california. well her and the great fishing.

well yeah that happens. sometimes there's nothing worth holding on to. it just sucks when good friendships fall apart because the two of you get close and then can't just go back to being friends.


knows petras secret: she farted.
well yeah that happens. sometimes there's nothing worth holding on to. it just sucks when good friendships fall apart because the two of you get close and then can't just go back to being friends.

yeah, that would suck. this chicks been there for me through most everything. not having her in my life would just be awful.
You need to accept that nothing is going to happen. You say you have, but you haven't. She's in your head because you think there is hope for you two to be together. You won't.


It's a win-win situation: you get work done, will probably get a promotion soon and won't be seeing her as much. You'll have time to see other women, probably just as nice. And who knows, maybe other good things will happen when you least expect it.
post some of her pics!!!
Hit those breaks and you will see. She was just a small portion of a table full of cutlery. People can be blunt, it's about finding the one that fits.

Just make sure you get it in the right hole.