Ace Boobtoucher
Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Crap! It was supposed to be secret, too. Now I gotta kill everyone who read that last bit. And this one. Unless they're in on it.
Brother Styro ...... nice graphic disinfo ..... a rep for you; if only the Bush-ish Neo-Con oppressors would allow it! It seems I must spread more of my filthy disinfo love, in order to love you more ......
''I don't think anyone here has any objection to talking about 911. The problem is, sonny, that you seem incapable of offering any rational, logical, constructive or empirical argument to support your case.
Time and time again you have been challenged to provide better argument or proof, or directly challenged with evidence that flat out contradicts the reality or reasonableness of what you claim and your only response, time and time again, is to tell us to watch YouTube videos.
If you can't see how weak and facile that makes you and your arguments seem, then you fully deserve the ragging you have been getting here.
It it is not because we here are paid shills of black ops Pentagon types, or that we are simply afraid of the truth.
It's because you have failed. Not to convince anyone of the truth of your case.
But failed to convince anyone here that you were worth the time or effort to listen to seriously.''
I honestly believe a cold drink of water and an original thought would kill him if he continues to post the same videos and nutjob rhetoric.
What would you guys like to debate about 9/11?
I want to know how you guys can discount the blast squibs as well as the free fall collapse and the steel inner core columns being lodged into other buildings like the Deutsche Bank Building.