That was directed towards meester, dummie. You're quite the LA riot yourself, though

. Seriously, though, why would you even say "once proud European-American streets?" What does that even mean? You really have no room to call anybody intolerant.
also im pretty radical what with all the 900's and ollies i do over garbage cans all day every day :divebomb!:
you were asking me about the grand wizard of the kkk?
no you weren't you were obviously responding to scott based on your european-american response to his statement containing those words also.
but if you were, why would you ask me about the kkk?
have i degraded anybody here? used racial slurs in context of calling those people names? said or implied that i am superior to anyone?
you have no reason to imply that i am in or support the kkk.
you can't see it, but calling someone racist for their opinion about an issue that has nothing to do with race is nothing more than racist.
if i was a mexican american would i still be racist for feeling as i do?
no , not in your eyes. but because i'm white and feel that way i must be racist. you are basing your reactions on race, not me.
lets stop talking to each other for a while now, i thinks its best.
oh one more thing. do you even know who pete rose is?