Your Top 5 most Underrated Albums?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
No idea. I haven't bought one since 1998. Do they still make CDs or does everybody download illegally?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I buy one once in a while
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
Brand New - The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Blink 182 - Blink 182


Pink Floyd - Final Cut

The Zutons - Tired of Hanging Around

Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf

We are Scientists - Brain Thrust Mastery

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Take them on your own


Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
Brand New - The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Blink 182 - Blink 182

Wasnt Muse big a big seller in the states?

So is Muses - Black Holes got that on just now :hatsoff:
I don't think selling well necessarily means it received it's due. Most of the top selling artists are over rated garbage. Muse is just one of those bands that managed to break through, and achieve a little bit of the success it deserved.


I don't think selling well necessarily means it received it's due. Most of the top selling artists are over rated garbage. Muse is just one of those bands that managed to break through, and achieve a little bit of the success it deserved.

Have you heard of the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? I think they were underated , great band with great tunes and albums :thumbsup:
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
Brand New - The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me
Blink 182 - Blink 182

I thought it was supposed to be underrated.. there are some highly touted and great selling albums in that list. Unless of course I'm being a naive American here and they didn't quite catch on in Canada.

Here's my top 5 (that at least come to my mind this instant):
Atmosphere - When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold
Prefuse 73 - Surrounded by Silence
The Mercury Program - Data Learn the Language
The Bad Plus - Prog
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles

And perhaps this is where you were going with your list STDiva, but someone who I thought should be getting MAJOR airplay for her album is:
It's peak position on the U.S. Billboard 200 was only 74. Something about her and this album should have platinum seller written all over it - every song is an earworm and she doesn't pigeonhole herself into a single genre, from electro-dub to island reggae to new wave hiphop and everything in between. Pitchfork only gave it a 7.1/10, proving once again they have their heads up their egotistical asses, citing "it feels annoyingly overthought." Yeah, thinking sucks.
Ya, I was leaning more towards radio play.

Jimmy Eat World's Clarity was incredible. It was so unsuccessful the band was actually dropped from Capitol Records. It wasn't until Bleed American exploded that people picked up on the band.

I felt Stay What You Are deserved all the success every other pop punk/emo band received around the same time.

Blink 182 sold well and got tons of airplay, but a lot of people were turned off by the more mature Blink 182. It's my favourite album by them.

Muse is a band that should be a household name but isn't. The only recognition they get is because of Guitar Hero.

Brand New is in the same boat as Muse in my opinion. Great band and great live. They receive basically no air play at all. Gay!


Postal Paranoiac
A Farewell To Kings--RUSH
Crime Of The Century--Supertramp
The Traveling Wilburys: Volume 1--The Traveling Wilburys
Rory Gallagher--Rory Gallagher
There's too many to list. But off the top of my head, I could list these:

Division Bell - Pink Floyd
Rainbow Children - Prince
Just about anything Dylan released in the 80s
Amnesiac - Radiohead
The One and Only and Bad Influence - Lil Wyte

Way way too many more to list.
Freeway -Philly Freeway
Slikk Tha Shocker - Charge It To Tha Game
Fiend - There's One In Every Family
Juvenile - Soulja Ragz
BONE - Thug World Order
Army Of The Pharaohs - Ritual Of Battle
Pretty hyped for Underground Hip-Hop fans, but it's not like anyone else knows it exists.

Waning - Population Control
In my opinion, THE Black Metal album of 2009. It's still fresh, so maybe people will discover it over time, but no one even mentions it on any of the Metal forums I use. What the fuck man!

Hellsystem - Back From Darkness
This shit is a Hardcore fucking bible. Somehow, new Hellsystem fans only listen to his new stuff, and older ones don't even know it exists.

Head Hits Concrete - Thy Kingdom Come Undone
Fucking insane PowerViolence mayhem, but I've rarely talked to a single person who's heard of them.

Bodies Lay Broken - Eximinious Execration Of Exiquous Exequies
This is THE single best Carcass-influenced Grindcore album to come out. EVER. ...and almost no one realizes it.


Lord Dipstick
The Killers-Samstown
Oasis-Heathen Chemistry
Anthrax-Stomp 442
Slayer-Diabolus En Musica
Tony Yayo-Thoughts Of a Predicate Felon
The Gathering - Testament (their best album imo).
Still In The Grey Dying - Evenfall
Tuonela - Amorphis
Judgement - Anathema
Something Wicked - Nuclear Assault