All-Time Favorite Song!

Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd

It's always been a dong I have listened to. I got into classic rock real hard when I played guitar and it was the one song I tried playing all the time. The lyrics are amazing and it speaks a great truth IMO

"Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied."


Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd

It's always been a dong I have listened to. I got into classic rock real hard when I played guitar and it was the one song I tried playing all the time. The lyrics are amazing and it speaks a great truth IMO

"Forget your lust for the rich mans gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied."

anything by Skynyrd is amazing
I admit it: I'm a music snob. I grew up listening to over 4,000 45's (a lot of you aren't even old enough to know what a "45" is/was)and hundreds of albums.

I can go toe-to-toe with anyone on rock trivia from the 50's to the 90's (please don't waste your time challenging me on anything from 1982-1987).

Shoot, I'm even a published author - specificially on themes pertaining to the origins or rock and roll, the origins of rap and the merits of Brian Wilson vs. The Beatles.

I offer these things not to brag but to illustrate the amount of serious deliberation and the recent realization of the following:

My favorite song of all time is "Your Love" by The Outfield.

There is no greater hook nor infectious quality than this song. Easily recognized by multiple generations, few are immune from singing its opening lyric..."Josie's on a vacation far away...".

The perfect pop song that never gets old!

How say you?

Name your favorite song - and back it up! It's harder than you think!

What a good choice. :bowdown:

Aqua - Barbie Girl.

But seriously it would have to be: Death Cab for Cutie - Crooked Teeth:

I'm in a war of head versus heart
And it's always this way
My head is weak, my heart always speaks
Before I know what it will say

I'm more into lyrics than anything, and this song excels in that area.

Also good choice. Gibbards lyrics are incredible. Tiny Vessels is my favourite of theirs.

My favourite song of all time would have to be

Minus The Bear - Absinthe Party At The Fly Honey Warehouse

MTB wrote a catchy as fuck pop song, while still maintaining a unique sound and style. Guitar enthusiasts will also appreciate the guitar work.

Ignore the stupid student made video.
Really tough to pick just one song.... I'll have to go with a classic band, probably something by Led Zepplin, something epic, like Achilles Last Stand.
i have a doctorate in music, and teach popular music courses (couple a year).

Any chance you could help me brush up on my forgotten music lit.? The first and last quarters of music lit went in one ear and out the other (that's the problem with a quarter system: it's just one big cram session where retention is minimal past the final exam), and I constantly find myself frustrated because I can't remember things that I know I studied. Most pre-Baroque and post-impressionist genres are a big, jumbled mess in my head. Basically, I was able to grasp Baroque to Impressionism because that's the time period that 90% of the music that I've played has come from. :helpme:


Very hard, changes daily. But the song I want played at my funeral, which I loved since I was a baby (according to my parents) is Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody, so I'll go with that.
Any chance you could help me brush up on my forgotten music lit.? The first and last quarters of music lit went in one ear and out the other (that's the problem with a quarter system: it's just one big cram session where retention is minimal past the final exam), and I constantly find myself frustrated because I can't remember things that I know I studied. Most pre-Baroque and post-impressionist genres are a big, jumbled mess in my head. Basically, I was able to grasp Baroque to Impressionism because that's the time period that 90% of the music that I've played has come from. :helpme:

sure, i'll start you on a program. ;)

just email me, i'm sure i can help you out.
if tommorow never comes...prefer the ronan keaton version
There's no way I'd ever be able to narrow it down to one. No way.

But if I'm listening to Tool, then it's whatever Tool song happens to be playing at the time... That's my favorite song.

So right now it's