“ They were never going to let me be president”


Reading this makes my schadenboner even more scootin’.
Oh and the reports of a abusive drunken Hillary were just fabrications. :rolleyes:
All the butthurt displayed here daily that Trump is president and not this bitch makes me all tingly in my nether regions.

Oh and snowflakes...

Hillary needs to get something through her thick skull : the American people DOESN'T LIKE HER. They hate her. They hate what se represent. So much that they choosed to vote for Donald Trump to prevent her from being President. She needs to stop looking for excuses, for scape-goats to put the blame on. She had the Democratic Party campaign-machine, most of the medias and a large number of hollywood stars behind her and she fucking LOST. The blame is on HER. She brought that on herself.
Now, Mrs Clinton, pack yout things, leave Washinton, go back to Little Rock, buy a cosy little house, grow some vegetables and leave the american people alone.

And her fans need to learn to move on because now that Trump is in the White House, now that the GOP controls the House, the Senate, the Governors' seats and the Supreme Court, Democrats need to fight and it begins on November 8th
But more important, Democrats need to figure out why so many US voters, from very different backgrounds, choosed to vote for Trump, why they so massively rejected Hillary ? I give you a hint : It has nothing to do with her being a woman

Blue Countach said:
All the butthurt displayed here daily that Trump is president and not this bitch makes me all tingly in my nether regions.
As I said before, the fct that Hillary isn't president dopesn't bother me, at all. She was the worst democratic candidate in decades.
Having someone like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Chris Christie or Rand Paul for POTUS would be ok.
If it was about the American electorate voting against Hillary rather than voting for Trump, what other GOP candidate would've beat her? Which GOP candidate would've won Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida? Which GOP candidate would've flipped traditional blue collar democrat voters other than Trump?
clinton is a fucking socialist swine and a carreer criminal let her rot behind bars with her husband.
Hillary needs to get something through her thick skull : the American people DOESN'T LIKE HER. They hate her. They hate what se represent. So much that they choosed to vote for Donald Trump to prevent her from being President. She needs to stop looking for excuses, for scape-goats to put the blame on. She had the Democratic Party campaign-machine, most of the medias and a large number of hollywood stars behind her and she fucking LOST. The blame is on HER. She brought that on herself.
Now, Mrs Clinton, pack yout things, leave Washinton, go back to Little Rock, buy a cosy little house, grow some vegetables and leave the american people alone.

And her fans need to learn to move on because now that Trump is in the White House, now that the GOP controls the House, the Senate, the Governors' seats and the Supreme Court, Democrats need to fight and it begins on November 8th
But more important, Democrats need to figure out why so many US voters, from very different backgrounds, choosed to vote for Trump, why they so massively rejected Hillary ? I give you a hint : It has nothing to do with her being a woman

As I said before, the fct that Hillary isn't president dopesn't bother me, at all. She was the worst democratic candidate in decades.
Having someone like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Chris Christie or Rand Paul for POTUS would be ok.


The bitch was on television yesterday again giving some PowerPoint presentation as to why she lost. Never have I seen a defeated candidate not let go of losing like this woman has refused to do. If I had voted for her I would regret it just because of the incessant whining.
Just go away! Fuck!
BC, I don't understand : You complain about Hillary not accepting her loss, being too much in the medias but the, you post that :dunno:
The topic had nothing to deal with Hillary but still you bring her to the conversation. Why ?

The election is over, Trump won, Hillary needs to go, Hillary fans need to mve on and Trump and his fans need to stop bringing Hillary to the conversation : she is not relevant on any issue.
BC, I don't understand : You complain about Hillary not accepting her loss, being too much in the medias but the, you post that :dunno:
The topic had nothing to deal with Hillary but still you bring her to the conversation. Why ?

The election is over, Trump won, Hillary needs to go, Hillary fans need to mve on and Trump and his fans need to stop bringing Hillary to the conversation : she is not relevant on any issue.

I was simply demonstrating a time when she was classy :1orglaugh

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Every day that evil twunt is not in charge of anything of substance is a win for everyone. How I loathe that family.
She was the worst democratic candidate in decades.

AND the least popular.
I keep trying to tell BC that democrats aren't shedding a single tear for her, but he seems to want to cling to the idea that she's a greatly mourned, roundly beloved hero.
The ONLY reason she got the voter turnout she did - the only reason she won the popular vote - was because of the nightmarish clown she was running against.
Nobody expected to be inspired by her. Nobody expected greatness from her. But maintaining the status quo seemed a whole lot less risky than hiring a juvenile, ignorant blow hard game show host.
AND the least popular.
I keep trying to tell BC that democrats aren't shedding a single tear for her, but he seems to want to cling to the idea that she's a greatly mourned, roundly beloved hero.
The ONLY reason she got the voter turnout she did - the only reason she won the popular vote - was because of the nightmarish clown she was running against.
Nobody expected to be inspired by her. Nobody expected greatness from her. But maintaining the status quo seemed a whole lot less risky than hiring a juvenile, ignorant blow hard game show host.

Who is quite possibly on the verge of making history with North Korea, something his predecessor, her husband and she could not accomplish. That game show host is enjoying the greatest economic prosperity in over 15 years under his stewardship. Milquetoast was replaced with blowhard and it seems to be working.
Who is quite possibly on the verge of making history with North Korea, something his predecessor, her husband and she could not accomplish. That game show host is enjoying the greatest economic prosperity in over 15 years under his stewardship. Milquetoast was replaced with blowhard and it seems to be working.

You really think Trump will get a better deal from North Korea than what Obama got from Iran, even if he pulls back from the Iran deal ? You're delusionnal !


Hiliary 2020
“ They were never going to let me be president”

Exactly whom is the THEY to which she is referring?
To whom brother? To whom brother?

The Bilderbergs? The Rothchilds who own the banks and control the money supply?
The Military industrial Complex? The CIA? Israel? All of the above?

Presidents are chosen, not elected.
Trump was the safer bet for the people who do the choosing.
Same stuffs gonna happen, its just better with Trump doing it.
They both work for the Zio Banks.

Choosing Trump would piss off the liberal types. So what theyre always pissed off and offended about something.
Choosing the creature who murdered a million innocent Libyans would piss off conservative types. And they don't want them pissed
So its easier to control the masses with Trump wearing the Silk Hat.
But they'll probably give it to her next time.