Zdenka Podkapova - smile?

Is is just me or does every facial expression that Zdenka Podkapova make exactly the same? It is very rare to see one of her smiling or some gesture other than "blue steel".

She is an extremely attractive model, and she could do wonderful things if she would flash her pearly whites on occasion.

Exhibit A:

If only they would hire Tunsty to be on set they wouldn't have that problem when they take photos of Zdenka.
Maybe she really needs to take a shit and she's just holding it in. If she does it in every picture she takes maybe she needs to change her diet :dunno:.
I used to masturbate a lot from her but now it's got that lack of expression, I know what you feel man.
If only they would hire Tunsty to be on set they wouldn't have that problem when they take photos of Zdenka.


Once Zdenka sees my wee todger, she'll be in fits of laughter.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
She's a Slav. They aren't like us - they drink vodka, not water, and they don't smile.
/Dr strangelove


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I forgot to mention; don't ban me for my earlier post; as a (partial) Slav and lover of Slavs I feel I have the right to make Slav jokes. Kind of the same way Black guys have the right to use the N word and honkies don't.