YURIZAN BELTRAN - Try This Idea $$$
Since your communication with the public is obviously one of promotional intent $$$ (we are not real human beings), why don't you do the following to draw in more
1.attention and
money $$$ -
1. Shoot video with sexy garments
2. At the end of the shoot, sign garment(s)
3. Auction off your wears to highest bidder
I personally think adult websites lack serious creativity. There is so much that can be done with those sites...nobody really is creative...everybody is too busy being greedy for money ("
Oh lets do what they are doing!, we don't have originality."). I personally would not want to draw that much attention to myself because there is always some crazy person hunting you down but people will go to lengths to be worshiped, for some reason people want to overdose like that.
Good luck, I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would pay 100 dollars or more for one of your bras...I can even hear additional funds dropping into your account, I'm sure you'd get more fame than you ever expected.
This is my last time here...farewell world.
HINT: Psychic people love to throw out hints.