You're Conservative? Spare the drama, you are full of shit.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Every "conservative" position is wrong! "Conservatives" are a walking contradiction that if they weren't so ignorant and uneducated they would be ashamed to recognize, but they drink that Fox News koolaid and solider on. What a goddamn embarrassment, this TrumpTurd Orange Pig Party has no core principles or beliefs that are rooted in reality.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Straight Shooter again.

Opiate for the asses. Masses of asses. lolz.


Hiliary 2020
Every "conservative" position is wrong! "Conservatives" are a walking contradiction that if they weren't so ignorant and uneducated they would be ashamed to recognize, but they drink that Fox News koolaid and solider on. What a goddamn embarrassment, this TrumpTurd Orange Pig Party has no core principles or beliefs that are rooted in reality.

Where's all this coming from? This isn't you man.
This isn't you.
Where's all this coming from? This isn't you man.
This isn't you.

Actually, it's been him for quite some time. You see, even the most reasonable person can only have bullshit shoved in their face for so long before they lose their shit (that's why I don't like you), and republicans have been rubbing their shit in the faces of Americans and the entire world for a long time now. People are losing their shit. It may or may not amount to anything, but it's happening.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Thanks, mongo! You are 100% dead-ass on target.

You have the opportunity to correct the record, MP, but you won't because you know I'm right but you will vote for The Orange Pig again anyway.


Hiliary 2020
Thanks, mongo! You are 100% dead-ass on target.

You have the opportunity to correct the record, MP, but you won't because you know I'm right but you will vote for The Orange Pig again anyway.

See one diffference between you, mongo and myself is that you two actually take it seriously.
Unlike me who sees that its all a show. There is no difference between the two partys.
they are two sides of the same coin so to speak.
Trump is an actor just like Obama was.
The whole two party system at this point is just a means for making people like yourselves think you have a choice.
You don't.
And also to keep us all going back in an endless circle of debating over who's team is better.
Do you really think that the rich fucks who own and control everything are going to let us commoners have a choice?
And even if we did actually choose the President do you really think anything different would happen?
If so fine but if you believe that then you are living in a false reality.

And mongo, I'm sorry you don't like me, because I'm actually very fond of you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
When you speak in generalities about American global hegemony and the misery and ills this country has spread around the world I can agree with you in part.

But when you talk about domestic policy there are stark real world differences between the two primary political parties in this country that have direct impact on the average American's lives.

So, let me be clear, Foreign Policy aside, you have the opportunity to correct the record and explain how I'm wrong when I say, "every "conservative" position is wrong, and that "Conservatives" are a walking contradiction that if they weren't so ignorant and uneducated they would be ashamed to recognize, but they drink that Fox News koolaid and solider on, what a goddamn embarrassment, this TrumpTurd Orange Pig Party has no core principles or beliefs that are rooted in reality", MP, but you won't because you know I'm right but you will vote for The Orange Pig again anyway. In short, sum up what's so awesome about, "conservative" domestic policy? Is it the Relgiousity? How about the 2nd amendment? Abortion? Tax & financial policy? Healthcare? There are clear cut differences between the parties on these issues, and I'm saying your Orange Fucking Pig and all the cocksuckers that voted for him are dead ass wrong about all of them.
Where's all this coming from? This isn't you man.
This isn't you.

Yeah, this ISN'T the xfire we know. The xfire we know is no more. He's been muredered and replace by a clone controlled by jewish free-mason reptilluminatis.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
My apologies if I seem somewhat different, three years of The Orange Pig has taken a toll.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
There must be conservatives that still have morals and that want their country to be a good place.

Just after three years of the total corruption under the coordination of McConnell, Trump, and the other leading cronies of what has become the GOP - if you still support this, yup, you are an enemy of the people.


Hiliary 2020
My apologies if I seem somewhat different, three years of The Orange Pig has taken a toll.

Ok, I just think you're getting too (insert your own adjective here) about the whole thing.
I'll say it once more- The whole thing is a show. Trump is an actor. Obama was an actor.
All the drama is just put forth for our "entertainment". The stupid things Trump says, the news media pretending to be against him, the impeachment hearing bullshit, ect ect is all part of the show.
The people in real power, the money people, the insiders, the banks, are the ones who call the shots. The politicians are just their tools.
Especially the President. And especially presidents like Trump and Barry Soetoro who were not and are not members of the Club like Bushes, Clintons, Ford, Nixon.

Getting bothered by anything Trump does is no different than getting bothered by something Cersei Lannister did.
I don't get bothered about any of it anymore because I have conceded defeat. Thrown in the towell. Raided the White Flag.
Accepted reality.
We have no say and no control in anything the government and those who own the government do.
And we haven't for our entire lives. We never did.

And I stopped believing in words like Conservative and Liberal a few years back.

I did vote for Trump with the small hope that he was the only possible outsider with the money and name who may actually be for the people but I realized by March 2017 that I was tricked again.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Here's a project for you, MP; compare the afternoon/evening shifts at Fox News & MSNBC. Take notes and fact check. I do it all the time. Without exception, Fox News is Republican propaganda and truth means nothing whereas MSNBC is liberal biased, but still fact driven.

Just saying that things are, "fake", "scripted", "bullshit", whatever is just an excuse not to have to engage, problem is, you wouldn't be here if you really didn't want to engage.

This is the wrong forum for pushing conspiracy theories, everyone in this particular subsection of this particular internet forum, with the exception of Commander Potatoe and anyone else that bought into Sandy Hook denial, Pizzagate, etc., (you), will roast you for believing in such nonsense.
There must be conservatives that still have morals and that want their country to be a good place.

Just after three years of the total corruption under the coordination of McConnell, Trump, and the other leading cronies of what has become the GOP - if you still support this, yup, you are an enemy of the people.

You don't look after the whole corruption within the shitty Obama administration and you don't even talk about the corruption that went under the obama administration, so predictable coming from you. You are so biased.


Hiliary 2020
Here's a project for you, MP; compare the afternoon/evening shifts at Fox News & MSNBC. Take notes and fact check. I do it all the time. Without exception, Fox News is Republican propaganda and truth means nothing whereas MSNBC is liberal biased, but still fact driven.

Just saying that things are, "fake", "scripted", "bullshit", whatever is just an excuse not to have to engage, problem is, you wouldn't be here if you really didn't want to engage.

This is the wrong forum for pushing conspiracy theories, everyone in this particular subsection of this particular internet forum, with the exception of Commander Potatoe and anyone else that bought into Sandy Hook denial, Pizzagate, etc., (you), will roast you for believing in such nonsense.

I know gosh darn well what they both are.
They are both 100% pure propaganda.
See the game is to divide, and to divide you create at least two.
So Fox herds some people over to one side while CNN and the rest herd the others over to another side.
You are being herded like a stupid animal. Are you a stupid animal? I don't think so. So why you lettin yourself be herded man?

There is no Freedom of Press anymore in this country. The government and the press are one in the same now. They are the same thing.
How anybody can not see this at this point and believe anything they tell them is baffling.
What you see as news reporting is actually controlled information. Propaganda.

Me and many others in this country have over the years figured this out. We don't get herded anymore. We may still wind up in the same slaughterhouse with the rest of you all but at least we seen it coming.

And I don't just say things are fake I show that they are. And I am rarely challenged with anything more than words.
Sandy Hook? I'm going to roast because I know what it was? I don't think so.
I could post and show a hundred things that shows it was a hoax as I have done.
All you got is "Well, the tv news told me it was real so it must be real".

I'll give you one. All the parents in their 40's and early 50's with the exception of the Parkers.
Of kindergarden children. All of them.
Do you have any idea what the odds of that are?
20 sets of parents of 5 year olds and not one in their 20's? Almost all in their mid 40's and even early 50's?

And where are all the survivors? There were allegedly over 500 other students in that school during the shooting.
The school was on film the entire time for the whole day and we didn't see not one child leaving that school.
How is that possible? How could 500+ children being evacuated from a school not be seen?
Maybe because they were never there.
All of those 500+ children are in their teens now, some are even adults.
Where the fuck are they? I've never seen one come out and talk about it.

Want to label this a nice catch phrase like Conspiracy Theory thats fine. I call it examing the facts and organizing an informed opinion.
Maybe I should remind our dear Obama devotees how full of crap the Obama Administration was


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