What's the worst injury you've received?
And how did it happen?
For me there's been a couple:
- when I worked in corrections a large scale fight/riot broke out in the jail on my shift and trying to seperate the inmates I ended up in the dogpile.....got the snot beat out of me.
- during a trining session/full-contact sparring match at my dojo with a highly training/skilled knuckledragger resulted in me getting a concussion, cracked ribs and a broken nose......really had my bell rung that day.
And how did it happen?
For me there's been a couple:
- when I worked in corrections a large scale fight/riot broke out in the jail on my shift and trying to seperate the inmates I ended up in the dogpile.....got the snot beat out of me.
- during a trining session/full-contact sparring match at my dojo with a highly training/skilled knuckledragger resulted in me getting a concussion, cracked ribs and a broken nose......really had my bell rung that day.