Your Worst Injury?

What's the worst injury you've received?
And how did it happen?

For me there's been a couple:
- when I worked in corrections a large scale fight/riot broke out in the jail on my shift and trying to seperate the inmates I ended up in the the snot beat out of me.

- during a trining session/full-contact sparring match at my dojo with a highly training/skilled knuckledragger resulted in me getting a concussion, cracked ribs and a broken nose......really had my bell rung that day.


Torn & Frayed.
I put my hand through a window.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Recieved? Easy. When the dr. messed up and cut a good bit of nerve during my circumcision. If anything can be referred to as 'luckily', its this: I was a week old and the years have given me back a decent bit of feeling. But the stereotypical roles are reversed.. :(

I'm the one who takes forever, or doesnt nut. And she's the one benefiting from my .. natural numbness.
When I was a kid I had two major BMX injuries-

1. Went off a ramp to find there was a fence only ten feet away and my body flew into the front of my bike. I had a bloody forehead from hitting the fence and a bloody dick head from the front of the bike. Should of worn two helmets.

2. Two years later I was riding my friends bike which had rubber guard on the bike handles so that it was just metal and I was wearing a baggy shirt. I went off a jump tried to do a bar spin but the handle bar got caught in my shirt and I went straight down and got stabbed by the handle bar. I have a scar of lower case Q on my rib cage.

No more BMX for me!
i've broken my arm(radius&ulna), hand, ribs, nose, ankles, leg(tibia&fibula), had a hernia, pretty sure i fractured my hip, tore my shoulder, tore both ACL's and all the other goodies that come with a blown knee, sprained both ankles as well. toes are a given as well as minor finger injuries.

i can't wait to see what happens next!
nothingandless said:
i've broken my arm(radius&ulna), hand, ribs, nose, ankles, leg(tibia&fibula), had a hernia, pretty sure i fractured my hip, tore my shoulder, tore both ACL's and all the other goodies that come with a blown knee, sprained both ankles as well. toes are a given as well as minor finger injuries.

i can't wait to see what happens next!

You must be one hell of a basketball player! lol:wave2:
Dro50 said:
You must be one hell of a basketball player! lol:wave2:

nope, just a shitty skateboarder and a guy that hasn't had any sort of luck at all even before. i forgot to mention some of my burns and cuts because it's just skin.
Busted my right collarbone diving directly into the ground. Intramural (after school) flag football.

We were playing against the team made up of the high school (American) football team. The tight end made the same run around play 3 times in a row. :mad:

And I got tired of the flags. :fight:
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I got smacked in the mouth with a baseball bat....full swing!

I was out for a long time and it shattered ALL my upper teeth!
I rode a snowmobile through a barbed wire fence when I was a freshman in high school...cut up my neck really bad. Still have the scars, one of the reasons i have a beard.
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iamforever said:
i got the worst. i severed my achilles. ended my baseball career. til this day, i cant get into a catchers stance.

i forgot about that one. i didn't sever mine, but it was all messed up. i was super swollen down there and couldn't walk right for a long time. it was black and blue for a few months. that sucked.
i can only imagine how horrible it was to actually sever it. jeez. :hatsoff:
broke my left wrist during a bike accident at 8 and opened myl eft knee during racebikeracing when I was 19. Opened my left thumb when I was cutting the bread.
georges said:
Opened my left thumb when I was cutting the bread.
nice. i don't mean to belittle your injury in any way, but it did make me laugh. i used to cut myself all the time slicing up "play-doh" when i was a kid.
and now its with an exacto knife when im cutting out things or mounting artwork.
had 2 fingers on my left hand run over by hockey skates. I still have the slanted scar running from one finger to the next


Retired Moderator
I think I've never suffered a worse injury than my middle finger nail pierced by a pen - of course, it was lousily painful, but nothing serious. Much worse thing, which I suffered 16 years ago, was peritonitid - developed from appendicitid rupture. As a result, my belly looks as if there were 5 navels therein after drain channels scars!
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