Your Porn Collection

Just a generally query on if you have an organised porn collection, i like to collect various pictures of alot of the beautiful ladies out there in pornland and just want to know how and what everyone else does.

Attached is how i have mine arranged.


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Nope. I have a small selection of my very favorite photographs in one folder. Another folder has desktop sized images so I can change my wallpaper every now and then. I also keep a folder of video files with a playlist file that I can loop and randomize.
I will have at any given time a half dozen favourite girls. One, maybe two of them I will try to collect as much of their stuff as I can for myself, the others I am happy to look at as I find it.

Sunny Lane is a perfect example, I love her work and would love to collect it all. But end of the day there is soooo much of it, Id never do it and even if I did, Id wonder why I have it.
I don't really keep porn. I like the variation to find new material most of the time.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
My EX-girlfriend made me get rid of all my videos ( about 50 ). Don't ever let this happen to you!
Only tend to keep videos really. Got a few picture sets but only for pornstars that didnt stay in the industry long, those who didnt do many videos.

I organise them by girl normally unless its a full movie, then i'll do it by type. I tend to get quite compulsive about it actually, bit of a neat freak so every videos got to be in the right folder...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I like to bury my porn collection in an unrecognizeable location then draw out a map, then in order for my crew to stop mutinying I follow the map and then dig up my porn collection...whoops that's PirateKing's porn collection.
I have a 1TB external hd and I'm trying to pretty much fill it up with as much porn as possible.I have about 150 gigs of vids on it right now.Every girl has their own folder.I've also got 17 gigs of music on it and under 1 gig of pictures.I've also got a bit of stuff on my cpu's hard drive as well.

The key is organization.Got to keep it organized.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I organize it by whatever. Girl, site, type. I'm too lazy for a universal system.
mine is in three folder compilation (named by what it compiles, ie: facials), full lengths (named by actress, then scene name or description), and unknown (actress unknown so i describe the scene, ie:busty blond bukkake)
Here's how my current Babe Folder which is in my Picture Folder looks....

1. Celebs,
2. Hardcore Gals,
3. Softcore Gals,
4. Babe GIFs,
5. Funny Pics,
6. Avatars and Other Stuff
7. Videos

.... each of these have a few to many, many sorted sub-folders, until I get bored, delete and start over. I have my pics saved somewhere else on the net or another hard-drive. :)