Your job?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
So today has been an extra crappy day.. I'm WAY behind on my homework for school and when I called to get my schedule at work, I learned that I was only given ONE FUCKING DAY!! I am SO angry! I was hired as a FULL time employee, I'm supposed to get 32-40 hours a week. How is anyone supposed to live off of one 8 hour shift? Not to mention since I was hired as a full time employee my health insurance gets taken out of my check leaving me with just over nothing to live off of.. When I spoke with my manager she said, "I'm sorry we just don't have the hours for you right now." What kind of bullshit is that?? Ugh.

Anyway, I'm curious to know what do you guys do for work? And do you enjoy it? How did you get into your line of work?

By the way, my job is a front desk agent at one of the only 5 star hotels in Cincinnati.
Welder. I could have went to university but I didn't bother. Maybe take a massive U turn in life later as its hardly lucrative or maybe hit australia and work them mines.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
I go to college full time, studying ASL, as well as doing the modeling thing. I used to work behind a bar at the weekends as well but I started getting the same problem as you with them cutting my hours, so I gave it up.
When I first started modeling I was a hooters girl & worked full time there. I've got a pic of me in my uniform somewhere.....
I think I've mentioned what I do once or twice before on the board. I love my job, but the problem is that it's inconsistent.

I'm currently going to school for bilingual court interpreting. State court interpreters make $70k a year, federal interpreters make more, and with the state certification I can do freelance interpreting or translating in other fields.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I take care of dogs, and I friggin' love it!
I design and build custom cabinets and furniture. It's kind of a family thing as I am the fourth generation woodworker and I like what I do.


Official Checked Star Member
Before doing what I do now, I worked in retail for 5 years and then as an executive assistant and receptionist for a realty company. I liked my job at the realty company, but my hours started getting cut like crazy because they got sued for fraud in their title department :/ The owner and his wife pretty much starting taking over my job to save money.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I go to college full time, studying ASL, as well as doing the modeling thing. I used to work behind a bar at the weekends as well but I started getting the same problem as you with them cutting my hours, so I gave it up.
When I first started modeling I was a hooters girl & worked full time there. I've got a pic of me in my uniform somewhere.....

What is ASL? What got you into modeling?

I think I've mentioned what I do once or twice before on the board. I love my job, but the problem is that it's inconsistent.

I'm currently going to school for bilingual court interpreting. State court interpreters make $70k a year, federal interpreters make more, and with the state certification I can do freelance interpreting or translating in other fields.

Yeah your job comes with a lot of perks too! I didn't know you were in school! That's awesome :)

I'm finishing school for medical assisting but the job markets been so bad its just freaking me out ya know..

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
American Sign Language. I'm studying to be an interpreter.

I used to go to all the big car shows in Cali, when I was living out there, and got friendly with a few of the regulars & they asked me to model for them with their cars. That's where my first Webmaster saw me & invited me to shoot for him. From that shoot he offered me my first site & the rest is history!!! :)


That's not good to hear Nikki. I hope things pick up.

LOTS of people are getting hours cut, some actually fired, because the economy sucks right now. I've lost count of the number of employees at the clubs I work for that have been let go in the last couple years. I work for several nightclubs/strip clubs and bars in Minneapolis. My job as the lighting/audio tech is fairly secure, because I'm practically the only guy who works on all the systems at all the clubs.

The sad truth is that labor is a huge slice of the business costs pie, and customer revenue isn't coming in like it use to, at the moment.

Oh, and yes, I do like my job.



Official Checked Star Member
Prior to working in the Adult Industry I was employed as a Manager in Hospitality. My responsibility was to organise the restaurants & bars in a large hotel chain. It was pretty awesome as I got to travel around Australia alot to the different hotels within the chain. The Hotel Manager was also my Master, so that is where I discovered that even though I am a very strong minded take no shit kind of girl, sexually I am submissive & like to be controlled & told what to do... When he bent me over his desk & spanked me for being disobedient I was in my element *hehe* xXx :rolleyes:



My Penis Is Dancing!
I work for an orange obsessed big box home improvement retailer.
One of the great things about working with the public is that you begin to appreciate just how many fucking morons there are in public. You actually begin to appreciate how Bush got elected to two terms...and how a complete moron like Boehner has been able to stay in office in this particular district. You people know that there are a lot of people in retail who barely made it out of high school, right? So, do you really think asking that potential high school drop out about installing a gas generator inside your home is really a good idea? Do you really need that retail clerk to add 400 and 400 for you?
There are some days when I honestly wonder how we came anywhere near landing on the moon.
After ten years in construction and retail management, I'm currently a full time student and a full time worker for a company that makes fixtures for retail companies to bid on. I'm hoping to use my head instead of my body as I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm an English teacher. Most days I hate my job. Today is one of those days.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I'm an English teacher. Most days I hate my job. Today is one of those days.

You're an English teacher?? Woah. I would not have pegged you for a teacher at all. What grade do you teach?
I work at a fucking hotel and hate my job. Although, I shouldn't complain. Job security/pay/benefits are all actually pretty good. I got into this shithole because I started doing dishes in the hotel restaurant when I was 17, moved up onto the floor taking tables and ended up bartending the big events we hold in our ballroom. New owners came bought the restaurant, I didn't like them, I quit and the hotel hired me immediately. I've done security, maintenance and now I work at the front desk, checking in every greedy cunt imaginable.

I'm thinking of applying as a correctional officer at a new jail they're building here. I think I heard someone here mention they were in that field. If so, would you care to PM me, as I have some questions for you!!

If this jail thing doesn't work out, I'm going to drag my girlfriend with me to South Korea to teach English. I don't know how much longer I can work in the hospitality industry.


Closed Account
I'm a Dialysis PCT. As along as diabetics don't take good care of themselves, I'll always have a job.