Your Favorite Prank Calls

The Tom Mabe one is great. Who likes telemarketers?
But the one with the morning show, ringing people out of bed at three in the morning, that's just crap. That's the kind of prank that's only being done because everybody hates it when it's done to them but some douchebags think it's funny. People have earned their sleep. Prank calls like that are plain idiotic and on top of that pretty unhealthy for the pranked depending on who you're waking up. People who are recovering from something, have problems with sleep or migrain or anything like that are fucked if you wake em like that for no reason at all.

This is a good prank (I know, it's not a prank call):
Noone get's actually hurt or seriously mobbed and everyone can take it. Even she can laugh about it.
Here is the best ever ....

Tom Mabe :)

He does this to all telemarketers who call his house! ;) :)

HA! That's great. There were some guys (The Touch-Tone Terrorists I believe) who'd do that to telemarketers. It was hit or miss, but there was some funny stuff.

This is from The Howard Stern Show. Two of the writers used this elderly porn star to call an old redneck woman.



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Thank you, Shinde on the Tom Mabe comments.

Thank you LaLiLu for the positive rep. :) That old lady skit on Stern - so funny.


So hysterical, good and funny. Those Jerkeyboys, from Queens, NY - Johnny Brennan and Kamal - all that forgetaboutit, they sound like mob wise guys - with all the New York/New Jersey slang!! His character "Frank Rizzo"!! ;) So very cool. :cool:

Yes, they got great exposure on the Howard Stern Show too. My friend Mike at work led me onto them. He has about 40 skits of theirs on his Ipod.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
All of El Barto's prank calls to Moe.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I crack up every time i watch it :1orglaugh

Ventrilo Harassment - Duke Nukem Style



Special Operations FOX-HOUND

"Oh, he beat me unmerciful, and my hairpiece fell off."
One of my favorite JB calls ever!

Some of my favorite prank calls are by Longmont Potion Castle. He's a bit of an acquired taste, but he's hilarious.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
jerky boys 1.
frank rizzo, sol rosenberg and the gay guy.........those guys crack me up there chisel chest
you know what i mean fruitcake?


The fucking Jerky Boys were the best. Whatever happened to them? Rahway I assume? LOL....:1orglaugh

Thanks for the memories, MP! :thumbsup:
The old Mark Knophler prank calls were awesome. Don't have any links to them, just the audio.