Your biggest sex regret


Closed Account
Such as - not coming on more to your co-worker in the pub after work one day, and not telling her you wanted to go back to her house and fuck her senseless.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I never roofied anyone... :dunno:

I don't know, drawing a blank here.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You don't see this post.

[/Jedi mind trick]

(delete as double post if you wish, or leave it... whatever.)
More than enough stunners that I wish I had bagged/hit on. Probably mostly the hottest chick in school I was seeing for like a month or two that I lost. She is still a stunner on Facebook with now having a family though.

Other than that, a massive fatty I messed around with one night when I was drunk - but yet still conscious - one Winter night.


knows petras secret: she farted.
fucking an ex when i was with someone else. she found out.

not banging a couple of girls when i shoulda.

thats about it.


Closed Account
I had the Chance to fuck two free spirited chicks (co-workers) and I pretty much fucking blew it and what's worst, everybody at work teased me about it:facepalm:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have no sexual regrets not yet but give it time.