Your all time favorite movies as a kid!

What are your favorite movies from your childhood? I am talking about the movies your parents bought or copied on a vhs tape and you would just watch again, and again and again and again … never to be board.

My all time favorite movies that I watched so many times that I now know every piece of dialog by heart.

Back to the future I / II
Short Circuit
Jurassic Park
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
Terminator 2
Army of Darkness

Fuck Star Wars, I never liked the movies as a kid or understood what was going on.
Spaceballs on the other hand I watched a million times.


Super Mario Bros Movie
What are your favorite movies from your childhood? I am talking about the movies your parents bought or copied on a vhs tape and you would just watch again, and again and again and again … never to be board.

My all time favorite movies that I watched so many times that I now know every piece of dialog by heart.

Back to the future I / II
Short Circuit
Jurassic Park
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
Terminator 2
Army of Darkness

Fuck Star Wars, I never liked the movies as a kid or understood what was going on.
Spaceballs on the other hand I watched a million times.

Great list. Lets see what I can add...
Remo Williams: The Adventure begins
Drop Dead Fred
Blazing Saddles... Hell any Mel Brooks
Monty Pythons Quest for the Holy Grail Ok any Monty Python movie
The Heavenly Kid
I'll get back when I think of more
Any Mel Brooks movie especially History of The World...Part One.
Cheech & Chong movies and yes I did get the humor. I was quite advanced for my age.
Terminator 2
Any film with Steven Siegel, Schwarzenegger, Stallone,van damn in them.

Also Halloween, Freddie and Jason movies. I would watch them when my parents went to bed lol.
Back to the future 1&2 (didn't think 3 was all that good)
Terminator 2

I seen all of these movies so many times it's sick.
The Goonies and The Neverending Story made my childhood what it was. To this day, I still can't pass Goonies on basic cable and not watch matter what scene it's on.


Member, you member...
Hmm, as a kid?
We did not have a color tv until 1980 and vhs maybe a few years after that, so I really did not have a chance to see movies over and over again.
What I did like to see every year when they braodcast them were The Wizard Of Oz and all those Rudolf movies, plus The Grinch.
I was so awestruck when I saw the "horse of a different color" in color!
Sad, but true.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Rookie of the Year. At the time I didn't realize it was in the fantasy genre - the Cubs win the World Series. :( Maybe I'll see that before I die...