Young brunette girl scared of cum from Moms Teaching Teens or Couples Seduce Teens

There's a great scene from Moms Teaching Teens or Couples Seduce Teens, or one of those kinds of sites. I lost the video so I can't remember which or have screenshots.

The "teen" in the scene is a tanned brunette American porn star with possibly some Native American heritage. I think her hair was in braided pigtails, AKA handle bars. At the end the mother demands the teen to take the cum in her mouth. She does but she's grossed out by it and moans to get it out of her mouth until the mother lets her swap it to her. Any idea who the girl is or what scene it is? None of the current previews on Moms Teaching Teens seem to show it. Never heard of a scene like ever again.

It is NOT any of these other handle bar hair scenes:

Lexi Belle
Tori Black
Heather and Mya (scene where the girl has tissue in her mouth almost the whole time)