You know the world isn't in that bad of situation when the top story is about....

12 kids trapped in a cave.

Don't get me wrong; I want to see them all get out safely, and the thought of a multinational SEAL rescue diving team working towards a common goal is pretty cool.

But it was only recently that separating hundreds of kids from their parents, nuclear war etc was all that the news could talk about, and now this is what we're getting 24/7 coverage on.
If the world was in such bad shape the media portrayed it to be, this wouldn't be getting top billing.
I think it exploded after the kids and their coach were found alive after 10 days without food.

It's like the trapped Chilean miners saga. It's just one of the few things the entire world can come together on (not sure of Boko Haram's take on this).

I feel for those kids and their parents. Just the elation that they were found alive. They're not out of the woods yet.
Kids and parents are still separated, North Korea did not gave up its nukes.
But after weeks ans weeks of reporting about this, people are fed up, they want other news so the medias stop to cover these stories but it doesn't mean the problems are solved...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
But it was only recently that separating hundreds of kids from their parents, nuclear war etc was all that the news could talk about, and now this is what we're getting 24/7 coverage on.
If the world was in such bad shape the media portrayed it to be, this wouldn't be getting top billing.

I don't know if you remember, but several years ago the news talking heads were all doing "breaking news" stories about shark attacks off the east coast. Statistically (factually!) speaking, there were no more shark attacks that year than any other year. But several happened one right after another, so the TV networks had people scared to go in the water.

I'm glad the kids are getting out. It really is a feel-good story. But when it comes to anything presented by any of the alphabet news networks (and I do mean ANY!), I'm pretty cynical these days. The world is just as fucked up today as it was yesterday - no more, no less.

I’m glad the boys and their coach were rescued and I was glued to the news during the past couple of days but the world IS in that bad of shape and you don’t have to look any farther than the mass killings of Christians in Nigeria by Islamic terrorists during the past few days and weeks.
I read the bit about Elon Musk bringing a miniature submarine to help rescue the kids but the Thai officials rejected it as not being practical in this situation. The tone of the report was mocking of course.

But this guy:

at least he was committing to actually doing something other than just slinging hashtags on facebook.

and it may very well come in use for any future cave rescues.