Yexes Dine!??

I was on a diff msg board and they posted what they called a Beyonce lookalike gettin fucked and her name is Yexes Dine.

I missed the vid and can't find any pics of her on the net.

Can sum1 post sum pics or preferably vids of her and gimme sum more info on her

Any help appreciated!:confused:
you can find on k@z@ 2 or 3 vids of her very good :thumbsup:
she is my favorite.........only videos that i am aware of

ghetto booty 2
barely legal 19
black cheerleader search 45
mr. bigg and his bitches
booty talk 26
black street hooker series

dont know if there is a video yet....but she is in "hot rod honeys" showing on some porn channels....