Yes!!! A-Rod comes clean!

One of the best things you can do in life is to TELL THE TRUTH. America hates liars and we are known to forgive players anyways.

Just imagine A-Rod in trial like the "Clemens scenario". It would have been the greatest comedy event in our lifetime. A-Rod isn't good with media or speaking publicly, so lying would have been the worst for him anyways.
Will half of baseball come clean? :confused:



Closed Account
It is the best decision he could have made. Now if only Clemens & Bonds would do the honourable thing and come clean too, maybe baseball can get rid of this black cloud hanging over its head.

It's the point of no return for those knuckleheads(Clemens/Bonds) as they both have Perjury charges pending now don't they? I have my pride ,but with tens of millioms in the bank you come clean & move on.Clemens even went before congress & Lied(I think) so I doubt if they admit to anything anytime soon.
I am just glad he came clean.

He was specific about which years he took them and now everyone can move forward.

He still has a ton of years left in the game.

I hope he can go onto being one of the best hitters ever, breaking the HR records, and then get elected into the hall of fame.
If you think about it, this situation is hilarious. I know that there aren't a lot of posts in this thread at the moment, but I think we can all agree that most people feel the same way as the people who have already posted here.

Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) are all viewed as complete scumbags who shouldn't be elected into the Hall of Fame, because they tainted the game (and it's records) by taking steroids and lying about it.


Alex Rodriguez is being viewed as a good guy for coming clean about his steroid use (the same steroid use that Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) are being hated for) and it is thought that it should have no bearing on whether or not he gets into the Hall of Fame.

So, if Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) all came clean about their steroid use, should they get into the Hall of Fame just for being honest? Is it the steroid use that people are really upset about, or is it the honesty, or lack thereof?
I hate that he took steroids but I am happy he did admit to it and not lie about it like so many others have...
If they're not going to put Clemens or Bonds in the hall-of-fame because of steroids, then A-Rod shouldn't be in the hall-of-fame.

The reason why we give Clemens, Bonds, McGwire etc a hard time is because they LIED. They take us for some type of fools and expect us to believe them when they're obviously lying.

We want people to be truthful, don't look me in my face and lie, because then you get no respect.

Will E Worm

When they tell the truth they lose their endorsements.
And, people say people are so willing to forgive?

So, how many do you think are going to say anything?

Alex Rodriguez already has more money than he knows what to do with.
So, losing his endorsements won't hit him so hard.

Also, when did someone come up with concrete evidence that Bonds or anyone else has used steroids?
When they tell the truth they lose their endorsements.
And, people say people are so willing to forgive?

So, how many do you think are going to say anything?

Alex Rodriguez already has more money than he knows what to do with.
So, losing his endorsements won't hit him so hard.

Also, when did someone come up with concrete evidence that Bonds or anyone else has used steroids?

"Retested Bonds sample positive"
So, if Clemens, Bonds, McGwire (etc) all came clean about their steroid use, should they get into the Hall of Fame just for being honest? Is it the steroid use that people are really upset about, or is it the honesty, or lack thereof?
I think that the more they deny it, the chances of them going to the Hall Of Fame get smaller and smaller. Look at Mcgwire for example, if I'm not mistaken, he got even less votes this year than last year! :rofl::1orglaugh

Will E Worm


A urine sample that Barry Bonds provided as part of the anonymous testing that baseball conducted in 2003...

Although the sample did not test positive under baseball’s program, it was retested by federal authorities after they seized it in a 2004 raid,

The people spoke on condition of anonymity


So, an old sample that was not tested by the proper authorities,
and the people who spoke on the matter wanted anonymity.

The feds don't have jurisdiction in this matter.
They will need a new sample and the test will have to be conducted under Major League Baseball's authority.

While HPAC can make recommendations to the Office of the Commissioner regarding punishment, it has no power to discipline players for violations of the drug policy, except to place them in the appropriate treatment programs. Such authority belongs to the Office of the Commissioner.

Major League Baseball drug policy

Players have to test positive under the drug policy of Major League Baseball, not any other authority.

So, an old sample that was not tested by the proper authorities,
and the people who spoke on the matter wanted anonymity.

The feds don't have jurisdiction in this matter.
They will need a new sample and the test will have to be conducted under Major League Baseball's authority.

You're obviously not someone who's going to be convinced by anything like normal evidence, but for the rest of us, federal investigators are "proper authorities". What the heck does jurisdiction have to do with it? There is a positive test that is concretely linked to Bonds. Stop moving the goal post when you don't like where the evidence goes. What baseball does has nothing to do with it, a positive test is a positive test and that's all I need to form an opinion about the guy, and it should be all you need as well. :dunno:

Will E Worm

You're obviously not someone who's going to be convinced by anything like normal evidence, but for the rest of us, federal investigators are "proper authorities". What the heck does jurisdiction have to do with it? There is a positive test that is concretely linked to Bonds. Stop moving the goal post when you don't like where the evidence goes. What baseball does has nothing to do with it, a positive test is a positive test and that's all I need to form an opinion about the guy, and it should be all you need as well. :dunno:

No, they are not and jurisdiction has everything to do with any matter.

Reread the only way a player's drug test can be considered positive.
The test can only be conducted by and under the authority of Major League Baseball.

It will have to be a new test, not a sample from 2003.


Closed Account
When they tell the truth they lose their endorsements.
And, people say people are so willing to forgive?

So, how many do you think are going to say anything?

Alex Rodriguez already has more money than he knows what to do with.
So, losing his endorsements won't hit him so hard.

Also, when did someone come up with concrete evidence that Bonds or anyone else has used steroids?

Bonds never got any serious endorsement money(relatively speaking) even before the steroid allegations became serious. He was never media friendly & they helped create this image of him as a Prick.

Bonds only got $2million/year endorsements his last season but he was making $18 million /year. Baseball players get nowhere near other sports for endorsements. Jeter gets the most at a 'decent'(relatively speaking) at oly $7mil/year.

It's stubborn PRIDE from these men who have worked hard to be the best & they see it go all down the drain when they get busted. It isn't about money to them it is their LEGACY .

Kobe Bryant is now the number one selling NBA jersey & has gotten most of his endorsements back with time. He has proven that your image can be rehabilitated if the public does't think you are an unapologetic liar.