x-box live & child porn

basically this 22 year old exchanged x-box live credits for naked pictures with a 10 year old boy...my question is: when do you suppose parents will start paying attention to what their kids do? while there may be some danger in being an overprotective parent, i'd rather we had more overprotective ones than parents who don't know what's going on in their children's lives. nonetheless a fucked up story.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have a friend that has XBox live and all he does is trash talk kids all day, however the shit that comes out of their mouths insult wise, man these kids come from a long line of swearers.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I have a rather controversial view;
Use multiple offense (ie those who will reoffend) sex offenders for medical experiments.

They can't reoffend.
They don't cost us money rotting away in prison.
They can't destroy other peoples lives & futures.
They could help us make breakthroughs. Cure for cancer anyone?
That's messed up. My girls have their own computer online. They hate that I check up on them. That they can't have MSN yet. I want them to totally understand that even though they are in their home the net is not a safe place for them. They are getting better I just hope it sticks as they age.I won't want to stand over her at 16 like I do from time to time now.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This thread will be closed due to the fact that this subject is not allowed.

I remember that one thread, legitimate news story, was closed due to 0 tolerance of this subject.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Parents need to watch what their child is doing online. As disturbing as this story is, the consequences could have been much worse.
There should be zero tolerance for these predators, lock them up and forget about them.
This thread will be closed due to the fact that this subject is not allowed.

I remember that one thread, legitimate news story, was closed due to 0 tolerance of this subject.

i thought it was allowed now...as long as it doesn't get out of hand...which is always a possibility here. anyway a lot of the stories that arise these days regarding children don't stem from parental abuse but rather a lack of parental involvement. i suppose a lack of parenting could be argued as a form of abuse in that it's neglect but it's not like children aren't being fed they're just not being monitored doing potentially problematic activities.
i thought it was allowed now...as long as it doesn't get out of hand...which is always a possibility here. anyway a lot of the stories that arise these days regarding children don't stem from parental abuse but rather a lack of parental involvement. i suppose a lack of parenting could be argued as a form of abuse in that it's neglect but it's not like children aren't being fed they're just not being monitored doing potentially problematic activities.

I remember someone had a legitimate news story and it was immediately closed by MaleOneTwo with:

This topic is not allowed discuss in any manner.

Something along them lines. Either way it did not last ten minutes on the board I remember.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I remember someone had a legitimate news story and it was immediately closed by MaleOneTwo with:

This topic is not allowed discuss in any manner.

Something along them lines. Either way it did not last ten minutes on the board I remember.

As long as there's a legitimate news source involved and people aren't making inappropriate comments we're fine with it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The guy in the picture looks exactly how I would have pictured him. He is the poster boy "Pete the Pedophile." It's almost as if he stepped straight out of 1986 and landed in the present.

Can we just shoot these people?
The guy in the picture looks exactly how I would have pictured him. He is the poster boy "Pete the Pedophile." It's almost as if he stepped straight out of 1986 and landed in the present.

Can we just shoot these people?

it's sad because if you notice,most pedophile look just like him even tho they come in all walks of life.

Oh, well he's gonna be somebody bitch in jail.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Fuckbox ftl.
...my question is: when do you suppose parents will start paying attention to what their kids do? while there may be some danger in being an overprotective parent, i'd rather we had more overprotective ones than parents who don't know what's going on in their children's lives.

I completely agree.