wow²³ who is this hottie o.o

tried tinEye and even copy pasted the name of the pic in google... sadly enough I found nothing... :(


  • tumblr_kwrn9sC8ji1qz9djto1_500.jpg
    106.9 KB · Views: 534
By the beard of Zeus - that girl is smokin hot. Probably touched up a little with Photoshop in that pic, but once you scrape away the modified pixels, I'm sure underneath lies a babe hot enough to give your grandfather serious wood sans-viagra when you bring her to meet the family.

she's from that site but also from this site (scroll down half the page)

By the beard of Zeus - that girl is smokin hot. Probably touched up a little with Photoshop in that pic, but once you scrape away the modified pixels, I'm sure underneath lies a babe hot enough to give your grandfather serious wood sans-viagra when you bring her to meet the family.

lol xD I love your metaphors I tend to use some of such quotes too once in a while :D