just who is that huge thing supposed to entertain, anyway?
L lurkingdirk Mar 19, 2010 #6 My house has the same features. And by big dick I mean pathetic lifeless limp limb that won't respond unless BlueBalls gets out the whip and the bricks.
My house has the same features. And by big dick I mean pathetic lifeless limp limb that won't respond unless BlueBalls gets out the whip and the bricks.
Lust Lost at Birth Mar 19, 2010 #8 ~~whimsy~~ said: My house only has a huge vagina Click to expand... why is it when your gf says "damn you got a big dick" its a very nice compliment but when you tell your gf "damn you got a big pussy" she won't talk to you for a week? what the fuck kind of two way street is that?
~~whimsy~~ said: My house only has a huge vagina Click to expand... why is it when your gf says "damn you got a big dick" its a very nice compliment but when you tell your gf "damn you got a big pussy" she won't talk to you for a week? what the fuck kind of two way street is that?
Skyraider22 The One and Only Big Daddy Mar 19, 2010 #9 Lust said: why is it when your gf says "damn you got a big dick" its a very nice compliment but when you tell your gf "damn you got a big pussy" she won't talk to you for a week? what the fuck kind of two way street is that? Click to expand... Good point
Lust said: why is it when your gf says "damn you got a big dick" its a very nice compliment but when you tell your gf "damn you got a big pussy" she won't talk to you for a week? what the fuck kind of two way street is that? Click to expand... Good point
Ace Boobtoucher Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol Mar 19, 2010 #10 BlueBalls said: I wish my house had a huge dick. Click to expand... Um, but it does have a huge dick. Lust repayin'
BlueBalls said: I wish my house had a huge dick. Click to expand... Um, but it does have a huge dick. Lust repayin'
nightbreed Mar 20, 2010 #11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ7Ue5emo6I&sns=em hope the link works drew being funny about decks
C Cutie Mar 20, 2010 #14 lurkingdirk said: My house has the same features. And by big dick I mean pathetic lifeless limp limb that won't respond unless BlueBalls gets out the whip and the bricks. Click to expand... You also forgot to mention mortar and the cowbell. :thumbsup: lol
lurkingdirk said: My house has the same features. And by big dick I mean pathetic lifeless limp limb that won't respond unless BlueBalls gets out the whip and the bricks. Click to expand... You also forgot to mention mortar and the cowbell. :thumbsup: lol
L lurkingdirk Mar 20, 2010 #15 Cutie said: You also forgot to mention mortar and the cowbell. :thumbsup: lol Click to expand... And electric probes.
Cutie said: You also forgot to mention mortar and the cowbell. :thumbsup: lol Click to expand... And electric probes.