Would you work in Iraq?


Member, you member...
What a question. Of course NOT!
I'm too fond of my head - (well, both of 'em.)


are you talking to me?
work as what??? there's nothing out there...just killings of innocent people
There is plenty out there... Its like a new frontier.

And it would depend on what it is...

IF I were to make bullet proof vest and chainsaw proof neck braces I would...

But if I were Selling Targets I wouldn't.
maybe if they paid me a few million and I was allowed to carry a flame thrower or something, 24 hours a day


I'll have to go with the definite .. "Hell No" answer
If the money was really good, the company car was an M1 Abrams Tank, and my office was located in an underground bunker. Then I would consider it.
Oh yeah, Goblin, there's plenty to do...

Like clean up the toxic waste (depleted uranium ammo we're using there), or maybe a nice job in pediatric prosthetics. Seems the contractors over there aren't filling those jobs... But private security jobs that pay 3 and 4 times as much as the same job done by a soldier are evidently pretty coveted.

Meanwhile, Iraqi unemployment stands at between 40 and 60%, depending upon the source you read. (Which even by South Central LA standards is a bit high, wouldn't you agree, DS?)

I will agree with one thing, Goblin. We are treating it like the "new frontier". Just ask the Native Americans how well that went.

I wouldn't consider taking a job over there under any circumstance. A foreign employee in Iraq is just taking a job away from a native Iraqi. (Sound familiar vis-a-vis "illegal immegration" in the US? Only difference is US illegals aren't protected by Blackhawks.)

I'm sorry, but any fellow American who is over there and not forced to be there by a military committment, or providing a service that an Iraqi could not provide -- and those skills are limited -- gets no sympathy from me. War profiteering is a crime. But what should we expect from an administration headed by a guy whose family did business with Hitler?

Puffy: I'm with you. I'd rather be in jail. Unless, of course, that jail is Abu Ghraib. Then you've got a real quandry.
Ummm... Your one of those peace toting, marijuna smoking, fruity, hippy people aren't you?

If that didn't happen throughout history you wouldn't be here typing on a computer today Hypocrite.

The better people get the better jobs. Boo frickedie Hoo that Iraq can't step up to the plate. They should of done something themselves long ago.

Its cold... but its reality. And your just a dreamer if you think it'll change. Because there is always someone bigger than can take your dream and shit on it.
Goblin said:
Ummm... Your one of those peace toting, marijuna smoking, fruity, hippy people aren't you?

If that didn't happen throughout history you wouldn't be here typing on a computer today Hypocrite.

The better people get the better jobs. Boo frickedie Hoo that Iraq can't step up to the plate. They should of done something themselves long ago.

Its cold... but its reality. And your just a dreamer if you think it'll change. Because there is always someone bigger than can take your dream and shit on it.

your a moron
harold said:
maybe you should go to iraq and get yourself some patriotic work

LOL Thats rich... A moron calling me a moron and telling me to be patriotic.

Im prior service loser. Ive lost more people than you know in this war. And Im by far more educated than you.

Your just a piece of shit I would only pity for not having the will to do something better with their life.

And by your posts I know it is true.

You wouldn't go to Iraq because the Iraq people are suffering and you don't want their jobs? Well... There goes your ambition right out the door. You can stay at home and rot on your paycheck that barely gets you by.

I'll be making the big dollars and move to a more peaceful country after Im done.

Goblin said:
Well... There goes your ambition right out the door. You can stay at home and rot on your paycheck that barely gets you by.


i will have you know that i am unemployed

fucking moron. you have lost more people my ass... doing what playing war craft..."

a chainsaw proff neck would not protect an ass hole like u in iraq. BTW i was in the first gulf war. BITCH:thefinger