Not really a fair experiment, because you have to think about the consequences of being stabbed or shot in the exact same place. You cant say I'd rather be shot in the head, but on the other hand I want to be stabbed in the heart for example. Wherever you want to be shot you also have to be stabbed, so you get shot in the head, you have to get stabbed in the head and the same for any other part of the body. It's the only way in which the two medical outcomes can be measured.
I would rather not choose as the chances of me being shot in the head with a gun is - although increasing - still very slim, whereas being stabbed carries a much higher risk if you are to believe the press.
But still, this just feel's like another way to justify guns, and coming from a place where guns are not the norm I just cant get into the mindset where I can think about being shot. This isnt a european preaching about the US and its guns so dont get all defensive, I perfer not living in a country where guns are legal and I cannot put myself in the position where I am shot, ever.
So I'm out :hatsoff: if you have read this far you have wasted your time