World's largest family: 1 husband, 39 wives, 94 children



Who would want that many of any of those things?

The more, the merrier is certainly true for Ziona Chana, a 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren -- and he wouldn't mind having more.

They all live in a four story building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, sharing borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh, media reports said.

"I once married 10 women in one year," he was quoted as saying.


Will E Worm

If I had the money, maybe three or five wives.

Children of 67-year-old Ziona Chana have lunch at their home on Oct. 28, 2011.

Sitting in circles on the ground. Looks like a slave camp. :rolleyes:

Buy some tables and chairs! :facepalm:
Better stick to your lurking Dirk :D

As the world's population nears seven billion meet the man who hasn't helped! He has 39 wives, 94 children and lives in a 100-room house

* Family compound has its own school, playground, carpentry workshops, piggery and poultry farms and a veg garden
* Dinner for 'The World's Biggest Family' is usually 30 chickens, 132lb of potatoes and 220lb of rice

Read more:

Big brood: Ziona Chana has 94 children by 39 wives, 14-daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren