Women whose speaking voices you like the sound of...

To be quite honest, with most women I can't wait for them to be quiet. I LOVE women, I really do, but they can sometimes be a bit long-winded for my attention span.
In stark contrast to this norm, there exist those exceptions whose velvety smooth chords command my attention, almost to the point of being spellbound!

In terms of texture and tonal quality, Here are some of my faves:

1. Elizabeth Banks

2. Skin Diamond

3. Gabrielle Union

4. Rachael MacFarlane (better known as Hayley from American Dad)

in addition to having a pleasant speaking voice, Rachael's also a pretty decent singer...

I'm always amazed to hear Miley Cyrus talk.
From such a tiny bod, and cute face, Miley (still in her early 20's) has a shockingly
deep, powerful voice, like perhaps what you might expect from a 45 year old mother of 4!

Unfortunately, she tends to talk in a rather monotone style, so it doesn't take long for her intriguing voice to wear thin.