Woe ! the board display . . ,.Everything is in reverse


Why is everything that is normally on the left now on the right ? Am I on serious drugs that I don't know about ? SSSSStop it Roald !

Boldy ! Rorys! where is that f'in kid when we need him ? I'm gettin dizzy*


You had me for a few seconds.:1orglaugh


My Penis Is Dancing!
I think it might be your computer. Have you tried refreshing? Everything looks normal here. Might be a virus. I think the hackers have taken over.


I like it :)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I am unaffected. Mainly because I'm a badass.

Actually it just annoys me, so I choose not to do it.

Suck on that, bitches!​
I am unaffected. Mainly because I'm a badass.

Actually it just annoys me, so I choose not to do it.

Suck on that, bitches!


Made a mistake, dumbass. The exclamation point is just like the others​