Without porn...

Without porn it is kinda hard for me to cum when Im havig sex with my gf.I am 27 and have been with her for almost 4 years.She is younger and she is attractive.It took me a long time and she finally warmed to the idea of watching porn with me.We enjoy it and do it often but not all the time.Two days ago we had sex and I couldnt get into it. At one point I could barely keep a hard on. I dont know if its because we had sex probably a thousand times and porn just makes it different or if I have a problem:confused::helpme:
Why I think I should be able to offer anything I don't know. …but all things being equal under the sun … … maybe you just need to work up to it a little more?

By that I of course mean, take your time.
I think that's a problem, if your attractive, younger GF doesn't keep you going, but porn does - and I don't mean to sound as if it's HER fault, because I kinda doubt that it is (unless she actually has no enthusiasm for the deed)...
Take a break from porn for a while, that includes masturbating to it and then have sex with your girlfriend.

If there's still a problem, consult a doctor or a sex therapist.
Although I don't know how your GF makes love... I think you have a problem. But you're not the only one, I know what you're talking about.

I agree that you should take a break from porn (using it in no way) for a while and try to work up some good fantasies that include your GF, possibly jacking off to them. That should warm you up to enjoying sex with her again.


what the fuck you lookin at?
without porn...life is meaningless...
Why I think I should be able to offer anything I don't know. …but all things being equal under the sun … … maybe you just need to work up to it a little more?

By that I of course mean, take your time.

Dyslexic made post Your I think has me.
maybe it is your g/f :dunno: can i try her out and see if she is broken.

all joking aside i agree with some of the above post just remove porn from your life for awhile and see if that helps and stop masterbaiting to porn cus then you only get use to getting off at a certain speed pretty soon you wont be able to get having slow romantic love making . cus your mind and body will be programed that when your master baiting all the time at that speed its the only way it can get off .
read that in playboy lol
Sarcasm doesnt suit you sir, go back to your dumbed down version of english. It was at least amusing as opposed to your poor attempts at wit.
Sarcasm doesnt suit you sir, go back to your dumbed down version of english. It was at least amusing as opposed to your poor attempts at wit.

For someone pretending to be a stickler, you've written "english" rather than "English" no less than twice now. Also, "doesnt" has an apostrophe in it and "sir" should start with a capital letter, …but thank you for the advice.
For someone pretending to be a stickler, you've written "english" rather than "English" no less than twice now. Also, "doesnt" has an apostrophe in it and "sir" should start with a capital letter, …but thank you for the advice.

Stickler? Your sentence didn't make any fucking sense. That was the point I initially made. Speak in whatever condescending tone you like. Nit picking a few typos and lack of punctuation really is a poor comeback.
Stickler? Your sentence didn't make any fucking sense. That was the point I initially made. Speak in whatever condescending tone you like. Nit picking a few typos and lack of punctuation really is a poor comeback.

Nit picking (should be one word, nitpicking) a few typos and lack of punctuation really is a poor starting point.
Uh yeah, ditch the porn for awhile. If you can't even get a stiffy while making love to a real woman without the aid of porn, then you know you got a problem. Nothing wrong with porn, but when porn..or lack thereof...interferes with your real life relationships then its time to turn off the computer and focus on the issue. Stop watching porn, see if it helps, and if it doesn't, seek help. If this problem keeps up and she realizes wtf is going on, then she's either going to dump your ass or end up feeling uber insecure about herself.