Will Stormy Daniels be a U.S. Senator in 2010?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
man i want to make a bad joke about being used to, being bent over and taking it hard, but i'll resign myself to mentioning i'd make it instead. . .

You gotta admit she got some balls doing this, i can see the religious people go insane already.

Lets hope she manage to pull this off because this is going to be the best joke ever. In the future we will have pimps and rappers taking over. Its the change they all wanted :yesyes:.

Guess this also means she be leaving the business? At least something good has to come out of this, maybe not for the fans but who cares about fans if you get an opportunity like this.

I'll say go for it. :rofl:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Hey, at least she's "Screwing people honestly."

I personally don't think she can do any worse than the creeps and criminals we already have in office.
Things may be "loosening up" (pun intended) over here, but NO WAY are we to the point where a former adult movie star can and will be elected to such a high seat in the US government.

I'll speak plainly and bluntly here, as it is my opinion. I don't care how much experience she has, or may gain (frankly, there is absolutely no WAY she has any to speak of worthy enough of consideration for such a post as Senator), but I would never, let me reiterate, NEVER vote for someone with a past such as the one that will cling onto her back for the rest of her life.

I am as annoyed with this current trend of downplaying the importance of government as I am with the celebrities who actually think we give a shit as to their own opinions on wars, presidents, etc.

I'll say to Stormy what I say to them.....stick to what you know.

It's not a question of "are we ready?". Not even close. Public office is a serious position, from a local law enforcement officer all the way to governor, Congressman, Senator, and President.

Porn stars as Senators. Right. While we are at it, let's go ahead and give convicted felons the nuclear codes, and from now on, all third graders will decide foreign policy.

On second thought, that last one might not be such a bad idea. Maybe most most fights could be avoided with an ice cream break and a nap.
Stormy might be one of the few pornstars that could be competent enough to be able to handle the job. I just hope it isn't some publicity stunt like other situations where pornstars have ran for office. Sadly they way the industry is I don't even know if I could put even Stormy past doing that, although I don't think that is the case.
What does experience have to do with anything? Some of the best politicians in the world had no experience when they started, but they still did start (& often near the top of the political ladder).

You don't always have to start small, certainly not in politics. It's about the ideas you have to either change things or keep them the way they are (depending on their preference). It's about their ability to speak in public and their ability to keep their backs straight when other politicians try to make you look like a fool.

These things are not learned, but these are qualities you either have or don't have (although they can be polished). Being a former porn star, who had no problems posing nude in front of a camera, I do think that she's able to withstand being ridiculed by other politicians and if she's really serious about this and truely has some innovating political ideas, she'll probably be able to counter any or at least arguments other politicians make. Of course, this is just an assumption, because I don't know her personally.

Still, I do not think she'll ever enter the senate of any US state. She's not affiliated with a political party and without them, she simply won't get enough votes. I honestly believe that neither the Democrats or the Republicans would be willing to take her in, at least not if one sees how Americans think about sex and porn these days. It would simply be too much of a risk...
Of course I didn’t think a pro wrestler could be elected Governor.

If any state would elect a porn star, I suppose it would be Louisiana.

and certainly actors should never be elected Governor of California!

A problem I think she will have is, feature dancing/tips. Even if Stormy is in the minority and fully claims all her cash income and pays taxes on it, the suspicion that she didn't will be something her opponents will exploit.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
and certainly actors should never be elected Governor of California!

A problem I think she will have is, feature dancing/tips. Even if Stormy is in the minority and fully claims all her cash income and pays taxes on it, the suspicion that she didn't will be something her opponents will exploit.

Actually, that's a really good point about the tips. With the whole fiasco of the individuals in Obama's new administration that have been caught cheating on taxes, I'm sure this will be something that will be viewed with a fine tooth comb.
Actually, that's a really good point about the tips. With the whole fiasco of the individuals in Obama's new administration that have been caught cheating on taxes, I'm sure this will be something that will be viewed with a fine tooth comb.
Oh I bet it shall, right up to the day that person leaves office. Then it'll fly right out of the press boxes, and right into the garbage, with a non-public hearing and a court fine.

To be honest, who really is going to get slammed for this, It might actually help her out by increasing the publicity of this campaign. I mean look at Sara Palin post 2008 election, does anyone remember her shenanigans?
I'd love to see her debate Vitter.

He'd probably be so thrown off by his pathetic erection that he wouldn't be able to string together 2 sentences. Then there's the drooling...

So all Daniels would have to do is recycle a Sarah Palin speech, and prepare for victory.
and certainly actors should never be elected Governor of California!

A problem I think she will have is, feature dancing/tips. Even if Stormy is in the minority and fully claims all her cash income and pays taxes on it, the suspicion that she didn't will be something her opponents will exploit.

I still can't believe that we elected a guy that starred in Bozo goes to College to POTUS........twice!