Things may be "loosening up" (pun intended) over here, but NO WAY are we to the point where a former adult movie star can and will be elected to such a high seat in the US government.
I'll speak plainly and bluntly here, as it is my opinion. I don't care how much experience she has, or may gain (frankly, there is absolutely no WAY she has any to speak of worthy enough of consideration for such a post as Senator), but I would never, let me reiterate, NEVER vote for someone with a past such as the one that will cling onto her back for the rest of her life.
I am as annoyed with this current trend of downplaying the importance of government as I am with the celebrities who actually think we give a shit as to their own opinions on wars, presidents, etc.
I'll say to Stormy what I say to them.....stick to what you know.
It's not a question of "are we ready?". Not even close. Public office is a serious position, from a local law enforcement officer all the way to governor, Congressman, Senator, and President.
Porn stars as Senators. Right. While we are at it, let's go ahead and give convicted felons the nuclear codes, and from now on, all third graders will decide foreign policy.
On second thought, that last one might not be such a bad idea. Maybe most most fights could be avoided with an ice cream break and a nap.