Will Smith Signs For Men In Black III

Welcome to earf!
I thought there was already a Men in Black III. Goes to show what I know about this franchise. :o
Oh, for fuck's sake, another one?!? The first one was pretty good, but the second one was just ridiculous and unfunny. Is MIB gonna turn into the next Batman franchise (for those of you who either were too young to remember, or have since drank, smoked, or snorted away the memory, Batman had a franchise in the 90's. The first one from 1989 featured Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, and it was a decent movie. The sequels, though, spiraled down in quality, culminating in Batman and Robin, a cheesefest featuring George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone (what ever happened to her?), Uma Thurman, and The Governator. It sucked donkey balls.)? *sigh* We'll see...
Oh, for fuck's sake, another one?!? The first one was pretty good, but the second one was just ridiculous and unfunny. Is MIB gonna turn into the next Batman franchise (for those of you who either were too young to remember, or have since drank, smoked, or snorted away the memory, Batman had a franchise in the 90's. The first one from 1989 featured Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, and it was a decent movie. The sequels, though, spiraled down in quality, culminating in Batman and Robin, a cheesefest featuring George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone (what ever happened to her?), Uma Thurman, and The Governator. It sucked donkey balls.)? *sigh* We'll see...

The first Men in Black was indeed decent but could have been better, nor did it age well. The second one dropped the ball big time and sucked.

At least the Batman films had two great ones, a alright third one, and then it finally cashed in all dignity and sucked off a coke whore in the fourth one for a quick cash fix.
I bet you wouldn't think it was lame if Jada Pinkett gave you a blowjob while Willy was working on post-production!!:blowjob:

You know, I probably would.

I'm sure the blowjob will be nice n' all but it's not going to stop this movie being made. Unless of course I take a couple snaps and make them public, which will obviously lead to the inevitable divorce and murder/suicide.

M-dude! You beautiful genius! Now, where's that blowjob Jabba!?
You know, I probably would.

I'm sure the blowjob will be nice n' all but it's not going to stop this movie being made. Unless of course I take a couple snaps and make them public, which will obviously lead to the inevitable divorce and murder/suicide.

M-dude! You beautiful genius! Now, where's that blowjob Jabba!?

*puts wig on and paints body brown*

Right here, big boy. Will Smith's beautiful, strong-willed wife. ;)


Torn & Frayed.
There's two things about this that worry me:

1. No Tommy Lee Jones (at least not yet)

2. 3D!?!?!?!?! What the FUCK!?
There's two things about this that worry me:

1. No Tommy Lee Jones (at least not yet)

2. 3D!?!?!?!?! What the FUCK!?

Dude! Like, you know, yeah! I mean, like, who wouldn't want to watch aliens come after them in the theatre!? Damn, man, like, you know, get with the times!

i love the men in black series good to see a 3rd movie is in the works
I think Will Smith is the highest paid actor of all time (but I don't feel like digging Google right now). I think it was Mike and Mike's show that I heard it.


Mr. Nice gallery
I go see it just see what it is like the firt two men in black movies were okay but hey who know we might be suprised