Why You Need A Gun. Chalk this one up for the good guy... er, the good gal.

Apparently the media couldn’t find cute kiddy pictures of Michael Martin, because no one has been making an issue of his well-deserved demise:

7-Time felon killed during home armed invasion - Nashville TN



Member, you member...
Hey, he was up to no good and didn't care about victimizing. Oh well.


LOL. I'm not opposed to gun ownership, or shooting bad guys, but this story is typical Right Wing Fear Mongering Stupidity.

The guy apparently gained access to the apartment by knocking on the door, and covering over the peep hole. Ha. Nothing shady sounding about this story.

"Whoever it is outside my door just covered over the security peephole for some reason, I better check who it is. . ."

But Sam Fisher is correct as always, since nearly everyone in the world is fending off burglars constantly, everyone should buy numerous guns and crates of ammunition.

Guns are the answer to all your problems. Guns would even make your penis and your girl's breast bigger


LOL. I'm not opposed to gun ownership, or shooting bad guys, but this story is typical Right Wing Fear Mongering Stupidity.

The guy apparently gained access to the apartment by knocking on the door, and covering over the peep hole. Ha. Nothing shady sounding about this story.

"Whoever it is outside my door just covered over the security peephole for some reason, I better check who it is. . ."

But Sam Fisher is correct as always, since nearly everyone in the world is fending off burglars constantly, everyone should buy numerous guns and crates of ammunition.


Guns are the answer to all your problems. Guns would even make your penis and your girl's breast bigger

The points you guys think you're making is just typical tag-your-it bullshit. The simple fact of the matter is that a cop has to be called. The police don't protect you, they respond to what just happened to you. And hopefully, they have time for you and whatever it is that just happened to you. And you guys know this. But hey, it's the interweb and it's fun to be stupid.


Damn. This could have evolved (or devolved) into a really hilarious thread. I even had "Land Shark" vids at the ready just in case this story started to catch fire and went flying wildly of the rails.


Apparently Sam doesn't want to play tag anymore.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
The points you guys think you're making is just typical tag-your-it bullshit. The simple fact of the matter is that a cop has to be called. The police don't protect you, they respond to what just happened to you. And hopefully, they have time for you and whatever it is that just happened to you. And you guys know this. But hey, it's the interweb and it's fun to be stupid.

The point many don't get, as you've pointed out is...Police are here to enforce the laws, and investigate crimes, while preserving the public good....there is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you are entitled to police protection. It does however say, you have the right to defend yourself, and protect your home and family.


The point many don't get, as you've pointed out is...Police are here to enforce the laws, and investigate crimes, while preserving the public good....there is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you are entitled to police protection. It does however say, you have the right to defend yourself, and protect your home and family.

I think most people get the point. Violent person + in your home = potential gun wound. Ideally the gun wound would happen to the intruder, which would require the home owner to own a gun.

Everyone can probably understand that.

The problem is with this stupid story. Is this going to set a standard for anyone being shot in someones home excused with "He put his thumb over my doors peephole, but I opened the door anyways, and he attacked me!"

Something is not right here.

Have you people never read any Sherlock Holmes stories? I think the girl lured the guy over there, Crime Noir style, and made the rest of the story up. That seems more likely than her version of what happened.

there is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you are entitled to police protection. It does however say, you have the right to defend yourself, and protect your home and family.
Fuck the Constitution, you're dealing here with people from all over the world...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Fuck the Constitution, you're dealing here with people from all over the world...

Well, I'm in a great country...one that bailed your countries, soft cheese eating ass out of trouble TWICE! So no, I will respect the Constitution. It is the backbone of a Great country, that has spent trillions of dollars, and lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers across the globe helping other defend their lands, and working to stop tyranny.
working to stop tyranny.

Like your great country did in South America, supporting dictators in their putsch against democratically elected socialist governments ?
Does the name of Augusto Pinochet rings a bell to you ?

In the past, I agrre, the US happened to fight against tyranny. But this is over. It's been over since more than 50 years