Why Women Don't Want Macho Men - Good article

A good article from the Wall Street Journal:


Some excerpts - but the full article is really worth the read:

After crunching the data—including the women's facial preferences, their country of origin and that country's national health index—the Face Lab researchers proved something remarkable. They could predict how masculine a woman likes her men based on her nation's World Health Organization statistics for mortality rates, life expectancy and the impact of communicable disease. In countries where poor health is particularly a threat to survival, women leaned toward "manlier" men. That is, they preferred their males to have shorter, broader faces and stronger eyebrows, cheekbones and jaw lines. The researchers went on to publish the study in this month's issue of the scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences.


But what does health have to do with masculinity? The link is testosterone, the hormone behind manly muscles, strong jaws, prominent eyebrow ridges, facial hair and deep voices. Testosterone is immunosuppressive. This means a man must be healthy and in good condition to withstand its effects on his development. Testosterone is also linked to other traits related to strength: fitness, fertility and dominance. From an evolutionary perspective, masculinity is basically man's way of advertising good genes, dominance and likelihood to father healthier kids. When disease is a real threat, as it had been—and arguably still is—heritable health is invaluable.


Masculinity, however, can come at a high price. Women often think of high-testosterone types as uncooperative, unsympathetic, philandering, aggressive and disinterested in parenting. In fact, there is evidence that they really do have more relationship problems than other men. In a small study led by psychologist James Roney at the University of Santa Barbara, 29 women were asked to look at photos of men and rate their masculinity and fondness for infants. (The men had already been tested for child-friendliness and testosterone levels.) The men who were rated as the most masculine generally had higher testosterone levels; the women also were generally accurate in assessing child-friendliness.

In another study of 2,100 Air Force veterans, men with testosterone levels one standard deviation above the mean were 43% more likely to get divorced than men with normal levels, 31% more likely to leave home because of marital problems, 38% more likely to cheat on their wives, and 13% more likely to admit that they hit or hurled things at them.

In this light, manifest masculinity doesn't sound like such a good deal. At least not in a significant relationship. A woman might be attracted subconsciously to a high-testosterone man because he'll give her kids an edge health-wise. But if health comes at the expense of fidelity and good parenting, how much does masculinity really matter?
For most part women say they want a nice guy who treats them right. They get a guy like that and what do they do? Leave them saying some shit like you're too nice and bullshit like that.

They get with an asshole who treats them like shit. They stick with them in hopes of changing them and before they know it.

Women can be silly. Not to mention cruel.

They want a guy who treats them like shit. So be it. They want a nice guy. So be it. They allow themselves to be in these positions.
I should go dig out the Caveman pic I posted in the Charles Bronson thread. The Caveman Man really isn't that great of a model for father/husband. Who knew... ;)


Official Checked Star Member
*shrugs* I genuinely DO want the nice guy. When I was younger I always went for the douchebag but now...you HAVE to be a nice guy and a gentleman if you want to even ask me out.

Girls want bad boys. Women want nice guys.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupey the Murdoch and his Fixed Empire. I wonder if this kind of story is meant to (subtly) criticize the typical tea bagger guy? :dunno: Although I don't think the typical tea bagger reads the WSJ....
Younger women want macho types, bad boys etc.

Women 30 and above want more cooperative men that have moved beyond partying and are stable and settled.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
For most part women say they want a nice guy who treats them right. They get a guy like that and what do they do? Leave them saying some shit like you're too nice and bullshit like that.

They get with an asshole who treats them like shit. They stick with them in hopes of changing them and before they know it.

Women can be silly. Not to mention cruel.

They want a guy who treats them like shit. So be it. They want a nice guy. So be it. They allow themselves to be in these positions.

Your preaching to the choir. I think the reason alot of women tend to dump the nice guy is because 1) The woman is going to take advantage of the guy 2) By taking advantage of said nice guy...the woman is going to become someone they don't want to become...and that is a selfish b*tch that uses someone. 3) Sometimes they see the nice guy as someone weak, which has to go with the "who is going to protect me" shtick. But I am not saying go use as many women as you can and be an asshol. Keep being a nice guy, I know I will, but know your limitations. One can still be a nice guy by being assertive, not an asshole. I don't give in as much, I speak my mind and feelings. And if the woman doesn't like it or what or who I am the door is always open.


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I can't stand girls that are attracted to assholes. Sure I can be an asshole, and I even have been one and of course it's worked out well, but I don't like being one and I don't want to be one. The sad truth is that so many women are attracted to assholes even when they say that they are turned off by them. They deserve to be treated like crap if I may be so bold. Also just because some women are looking for nice guys to marry doesn't mean they aren't still drawn to assholes. They're just compromising. How many times have you heard a woman say: "He's such an asshole I don't know what I'm still doing with him." yet they continue to stick with them on and off. Or they say: "Oh he's a great guy and he's so nice but....I don't know, theres just no spark."

spark=arrogant dickhead attitude
My girlfriend says I'm the perfect mix of masculinity/sensitivity. I speak my mind, but am rarely ever an ass about anything (was going to say never, but that would be a lie).

I have no sympathy for the girl who dates the prick, than complains, or is sad about it all the time. I see and hear it all the time. My girlfriends ex is a huge prick, yet she was married to him for over a decade. I guess the times he did a few nice things for her made it ok for all the times he screwed her over, and treated her like garbage.


Lost at Birth
I have no sympathy for the girl who dates the prick, than complains, or is sad about it all the time. I see and hear it all the time.

bingo! my gf has tried to set her friends up with one of my employees who is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, isn't bad looking, is smart and has a great job. they end up not going out with him again cos he's "too nice". then when they date a dick head and come over to my gf crying and complaining about the latest thing the dick head did or showing the nice black eye he gave her, she always points out, well we tried to set you up with so and so.... i have no sympathy. some women are doomed to always choose the wrong guy and some women just have the knack for picking the right guy.

i posted the same thing in another thread about how girls that choose the bad boy get no sympathy from me when the bad boy is bad and someone said i must have been recently dumped. nope, just honest. glad to see someone else knows what i'm talking about

i got lucky with my current gf choosing me. i changed a lot to keep her but she's worth it. can't say that about the other girls i've dated.


Postal Paranoiac
In this light, manifest masculinity doesn't sound like such a good deal. At least not in a significant relationship. A woman might be attracted subconsciously to a high-testosterone man because he'll give her kids an edge health-wise. But if health comes at the expense of fidelity and good parenting, how much does masculinity really matter

Apparently, a helluva lot. Look at all of the single mothers out there.