Why the world would be better under... new management.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Lets take a moment to look at our world and we can see that there is a great deal wrong with it...

For example the erosion of family values; the size of the family has shrunk from the traditional family involving parents, children and grandparents (to say nothing of cousins, uncles, etc) to the increasing numbers of single mothers, from many, to two.

There is increasing freedom for people to move in what could easily be called the wrong way by some; for example gay men are free to chase as many men as they like and straight men may be scared to object to the advances of a gay man for fear of being labelled homophobic. Do we really want to live in a society that represses one mans right to assert his sexuality for fear of being labelled?

Not to mention the freedom with which women can seek men out for casual encounters.
Now at first you may think of this as a good thing, but think about it; women want to be married, so seeking out casual encounters is not making them happy.
You may think it's making YOU happy, but is it really? Let's not forget that when you think of women for casual encounters you forget that your wife/girlfriend, sister, daughter and or mother is included in this category. Lets face it, you're just kidding yourself if you ignore the very real possibility that they'll be tempted by the forbidden excitement fruit.

Remember NAMBLA? Well this over-exmphasis on freedom of expression and lack of emphasis on morality is sadly all too familiar in our times.
(North American Man Boy Love Association).
An increase in societal emphasis on traditional values could put such groups where they belong; out of existence.

Now look at society; despite the fact that we're all related, all of the same species, the truth is that when one human being is hurt he is lucky to be ignored. More frequently he is laughed at and recorded on a mobile video device. This won't do. Frankly we should all regard each other as brothers and sisters, then society can be happy.

Consider women; how many men report being happy with their wives. How many men report being happy with their women?
Answer: we're always annoyed about that moaning bitch who's never satisfied with anything.
But hey, at least the women are happy, right?
Seriously, when do you hear a woman do anything other than moan about her man?
So now we realise, nobody is happy.

Of course, this is all just considering the moral problems with society. Lets look at the financial problems that have bought our society down in the last 50 odd years;
The financial collapse is essentially due to excess borrowing (as Shakespeare said, "Neither a lender nor a borrower be".) and is set to destroy our society even more - see the cuts imposed on education by financial austerity.

So how do we resolve these issues?
The answer, as you've doubtless all realised by now, is to subscribe to Islamic Sharia law.

(That which was "advocated" by Al Qaida)

Now I realise that this idea may initially be unapealing to many, however, please take a moment to consider the following...

Islamic Theocracy (as it's known) has a great emphasis on family values. Notice that in the Islamic world the average family size is quite large.
In Islamic countries, straight men (not such as BSScott) do not have to fear the attentions of gay men (such as BSScott) as homosexuality is illegal under Sharia law.

Now remember what I was saying about women; you may think that Islamic countries and particularily those that utilise Sharia law provide guidelines on how women should behave themselves and under those guidelines both men and women are happier as they know where they stand.
You may fear the loss of your opportunity to ravish a free female, but think about it - when was the last time this happened to you? Answer - too long ago.
But we all worry about where our wife or GF is, who our sister or Wife is with and whether they're safe.
So you do the math; on balance life is more secure if one adopts Sharia law than if one doesn't.

Now as regards other values, lets not ignore the great emphasis Islamic countries have on religion. It's something that's been lost from our society. But coincidentally, just at the time our society was at it's height, it was a religious society. So just by bringing back that love of God (after all, Islam is an Abrahamic religion like Christianity, and is indeed just slightly younger than Christianity. Not to mention that Mozlems have great respect for the bible, calling it the "book of the sky" and indeed great respect for jesus, who some regard as a prophet, and some regard as THE prophet, by which I mean Mohammed) we can make our society strong again. Imagine that; a strong society strengthened by strng belief. We wouldn't fear Godless Atheistic Communist china then!

Lets turn out attention to the afforementioned personal distance between people in our society. Notice how these days you trust nobody and everybody is a potential threat?
Well adoption of Izlom could help with that! Afte all, observe the Mozlem's; they call each other "brother" because to the Mozlem's all other Mozlems are Mozlem "brothers".
I shit you not; they regard each other as brothers. Doesn't that sound like the sort of cohesion that our society needs?

So what about women? Well think, when did you ever hear of Islamic women moan? When do you ever hear Mozlem men moan about their men? You never do. They have clearly defined rolls and live happily within them.
Now lets be honest; all women want a strong man who doesn't want that much sex so that they don't have to pout out so often.
All men want many women.
Well, with Sharia law and multiple wives per man this is possible. So :wtf: are we waiting for?

Finally, economic imperitive; our society beat Fascism in WW2 and beat Communism in the cold War, yet it has been bought down by greed.
Greed allowed by borrowing.
Yet borrowing at interest is illegal under Sharia law. So had we in the West been subscribed to Sharia law then the financial crisis would never have happened.
So all we have to do to improve our society is be more interested in prophet than profit.
After all, if you look at Islamic countries you see that everybody has enough, though the country as a whole may not have much, What you don't see is one Sheikh (sorry, I mean CEO) holding all the cash while the people as a whole suffer.
Certainly the old Socialist stereotype of Religion being used as the opiate of the masses doesn't apply with Izlom does not apply.

The additional bonus is that we can then stop fighting in Afghanistan, as everybody knows that Muslims never fight amongst themselves, and especially in Afghanistan this unthinkable.

A further additional bonus is that under an Islamic theocracy false gods and false idols would be dissalowed. Which means that we could see an end to worship of a certain green, tentacled faux deity and the imprisonment and torture of anybody who describes herself as high priestess of any such cult.

Anyway, I'd like to ruminate further on this, but my MI5 Pizza delivery van is outside. I don't remember ordering a pizza, but it must've been a good, expensive order as two men in suits and sunglasses (sunglasses at night?!) have delivered it. BRB.


The additional bonus is that we can then stop fighting in Afghanistan, as everybody knows that Muslims never fight amongst themselves, and especially in Afghanistan this unthinkable.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are being sarcastic with this.


"Under new management" i.e. communism

Not just no, but Fµçk NO!!

Never surrender what you cannot repossess. ;)
So between the people shouldn't be allowed to be gay, all women want to get married and no one is happy, I am gonna guess this is a sarcastic thread in which case it is WAY TOO LONG. I think sarcasm loses its touch after the first paragraph... or the second one... or the third one.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are being sarcastic with this.
What's sarcasm?
so your on a porn site talking about family values? do you post this rant on gay websites too?
I do. I've converted several men...

...To homosexuality.
"Under new management" i.e. communism

Not just no, but Fµçk NO!!

Never surrender what you cannot repossess. ;)
Yes. I was talking about Communism. Communism, Islamic theocracy. Same thing.
So between the people shouldn't be allowed to be gay, all women want to get married and no one is happy, I am gonna guess this is a sarcastic thread in which case it is WAY TOO LONG. I think sarcasm loses its touch after the first paragraph... or the second one... or the third one.
Sarcasm? What's sarcasm?


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Like...reptilian humanoids?

He's very garrulous, isn't he? Someone gag him.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
"Under new management" i.e. communism

Not just no, but Fµçk NO!!

Never surrender what you cannot repossess. ;)

I was gonna say....sounds like a "douche bag that was Fox", one world government thing to me. I'll see your FUCK NO!!!, and back you up with a, "When you pry them from my cold dead hands".

However...if we're talking about a, "time to refresh the tree of liberty, with the blood of patriots, and tyrants" kind of thing....., OH FUCKING HELL YEAH IT IS!!!

Just sayin. :D