Why the rise in free streaming porn videos?

First of all, I'm not complaining about this at all! I think it's wonderful! I'm just curious as to why FREE streaming, full length porn vids are becoming more and more common. Isn't this taking away from the adult industries profits, or do you think it's helping it? So why the increase in sites that have free vids like this such as myfreepaysite?



Closed Account
I know brazzers put 5 minute clips on some of the free streaming sites on purpose to advertise their site.

But all in all, I don't think it's helping the industry.

"Why pay when it's all free?"


knows petras secret: she farted.
why so many? cause people watch em, all the time! to be honest, i just finished up at a streaming site myself. its faster than downloading, you dont have files to delete, and you know what u get before clicking. convenient? i think so.

taking away profits? maybe, but maybe not. personally, if i see a great scene fro ma movie ive been thinking about, ill pick it up. i like having the real copy at home, we have a nice collection. yeah, i could go on to a wtfwtf site and see jenna ahze swallow 5 loads, but id much rather have my nice autographed copy of darkside.

the streaming sites just might boost sales. remember napster? after research, they concluded cd sales had risen because of it.
it's just an increase in technology. you gotta hand it to porn, they have always been cutting edge when it came to visual mediums.

think about it in the 90's when you could first start downloading pictures, people said that that would put magazines out of business, but unlike some of the other media industries that tried to suppress it and hold on to outdated methods, they have always embraced it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I for one always liked saving my files. The streaming is fine so long as they give me the option to permanently download right next to the video.

...or have it easily found while viewing source. ;)
I prefer the streaming sites now over to clip sites. I get annoyed at the ones that won't let me fastforward or jump ahead to the positions I want to see...

Most of the free stream sites have better quality than the random vids that I click on Youtube, to be honest....the Youtube people ought to click on **** or ***** sometime to see how clips should appear....
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