Yea, as long as that set up remains unchanged then all is good. What happens when daddy decides to stop sending the checks and says to move out of that apartment by the end of the week? Is she just going to pack her stuff and move on? Hell no. I don't believe that any woman with a sugar daddy ever expects that ride to end. That bitch will be at your work and house. Can't handle that it's over. Fuck that.
Just wait until you have one showing up at your office beside herself because you haven't called her in 3 days. Having to go outside and talk in the parking lot while she is making a scene.
Fortunately, I am single and all I had to deal with were the women that work in the office rolling their eyes as I do the walk of shame back to my office. Had I been married that shit could have turned ugly. Another interesting thing that has happened to me with strippers is that it is only a matter of time before one of her friends finds out what you have done for her and starts putting the moves on you. Decision time. Basically these girls don't understand that you are willing to do some things because of the convenience and the fact that there is supposed to be no emotional strings attached. But they become territorial as hell.