Why people are so mean?


Closed Account
Some people start to throw with mud in you without knowing you. They don't know what is respect, and because it is over internet ,and people don't see them.
They are acting violently and treat you as a garbage.
I wonder what is in their heads, or maybe is nothing? I do have to confess that is sad to see more and more mean people in this world. :(:crash:
People are acting like assholes on the internet because they feel insecure in the real life and out in the world. I would say that one should never care to much about what people say over the net.


The anonymity of the internet lets lots of little people feel big. You can always tell those kind - they tend to be the "loudest" and most absolutely certain that they are infallible. They're also the ones who tend to flame because they can't flame a real man or woman in person...

Take comfort in the fact that 1) they live at home or 2) more than likely have little lives of no real meaning or contribution.

Harsh, I think, but true.


Staff member
Gotta agree with BNF, people who are often rude and think they are the big boss on the net, they are often people with very small or no education and no self confidence. The same comment is valuable for arrogant, too sensitive or too politically correct people who are blinded by their own beliefs and can't see the reality.Include also in this category the whiny crybabies who always complain for a yes and a no and who are very often people in their 30's but behaving like irresponsible teenagers. In the real life in front of someone with a strong character,they won't be able to play such games.
just my :2 cents:
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All of you above are right to certain extent. BNF & Georges are really great with their observations. So I humbly put my :2 cents: here:

There are two ways of being big to be noticed.

a. cutting others down
b. Strive to be good and caring for others.

The sleaze of the society takes the first route.

So Elly, don't take it to your heart. You wash off mud when that touches your skin or dress, don't you?
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The anonymity of the internet also lets people judge freely with generalizations and Doctor Phil-esque psychoanalysis. I mean, all that stuff you guys said, can also be said for the carebears.
Assholes are assholes. Whether they are online, or in Nazi Germany. They are all over place. In fact, I'm sitting on one right now.
The best reason I can give is that there are people out there that make themselves feel better by tearing other people down. It reminds me of the bullies that were around when I was in school except now because they don't have to face the person they are up against in person they can do it to anybody instead of just picking on the people weaker than them. Unfortunately for some people the only way they can feel like a big man is to try to be a jerk to other people instead of actually improving themselves.


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D-rock said:
The best reason I can give is that there are people out there that make themselves feel better by tearing other people down. It reminds me of the bullies that were around when I was in school except now because they don't have to face the person they are up against in person they can do it to anybody instead of just picking on the people weaker than them. Unfortunately for some people the only way they can feel like a big man is to try to be a jerk to other people instead of actually improving themselves.
this is very true but some people have grown with a bad education, it is nearly impossible to change them even if you spank their ass hard or give them a lesson.
At least you don't play video games, the communities on MMOs and Bnet would rip you apart milady. In reality, most people like that are just dorks, or younger people who get excited over the net.
BNF said:
The anonymity of the internet lets lots of little people feel big. You can always tell those kind - they tend to be the "loudest" and most absolutely certain that they are infallible. They're also the ones who tend to flame because they can't flame a real man or woman in person...

Take comfort in the fact that 1) they live at home or 2) more than likely have little lives of no real meaning or contribution.

Harsh, I think, but true.
yes, very true. i always do my utmost to avoid such people, and indeed to avoid confrontation in general, be it on the internet or 'real life'. for those that do the opposite - good luck to them :)
those who curse other peeps out on here or anywhere on the net are sad lonely and fked in the head.

newsflash peeps you EARN RESPECT its not just given out like candy.

1 good thing about the net tho when alls said and done they are just words on a screen, u can switch the pc off or just block thier asses.:2 cents:

dont let it bother you


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arealous said:
At least you don't play video games, the communities on MMOs and Bnet would rip you apart milady. In reality, most people like that are just dorks, or younger people who get excited over the net.
Some teenagers tried to go to far with me on supercars.net, the less moderated car forum and one of the harshest forums on the whole net http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercars.net I gave them the harshest lesson they ever received. I said a while ago "gunplay never pays", it is true. If you show gratitude and kindness you will be appreciated by all.
just my two cents :2 cents:
simply put, alot of people hide behind there computer b ecause no one can call them out on the carpet that way, and they only have to respond when they want. get all these people in a real room talking about these topics, it would be interesting to see who spoke up
A few reasons why people are being mean...

1. Jealousy
2. They're insecure & think they'll feel more secure if the belittle someone else
3. Power. If you're mean to someone who's not popular, your popularity will rise
4. they're not ok up in their heads (Hitler & Stalin are great examples)
5. They're not trying to be mean, they're just misunderstood (minority, but especially on the internet, where you cannot hear someone say the words, it happens)

Oh and Fox, I work exactly the other way around. I give everybody an equal amount of respect to begin with, but once you lose it, it's gone forever...
Simple because they can be and as long as they feel since it's behind a computer, they can say or do whatever they want. Most of the time it's simply for attention or to get a rise out of people for the sake of causing a fight. It sucks but some people literally get off on that shit.


Closed Account
I am glad to hear your kind advises and opinions,it makes me happy.
I usually stay over the internet quite a significant time , few good hours,every day. Most of time i meet this kind of people(over the internet), and what i've learned so far is to ignore them, ignorance makes them feel little and they soon stop screaming, or beeing assholes.
The most of them start with big injuries, hard words that can shake the deaths from the graves,lol honestly.
Before i was very sensible and i was sometimes taking serious what they were saying, but in time i realised that it is like a movie goes on tv, a horror, u get scared,and have reactions ,but soon as it ends, u say Thanks God is just a movie.:) So is the internet in a way of speaking.:)